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AntarcticaAntarctica. KrillKrill This is krill This is a school of krill  There are 85 species of krill  Most krill lay up 300 to 500 eggs at a time.

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Presentation on theme: "AntarcticaAntarctica. KrillKrill This is krill This is a school of krill  There are 85 species of krill  Most krill lay up 300 to 500 eggs at a time."— Presentation transcript:

1 AntarcticaAntarctica

2 KrillKrill This is krill This is a school of krill  There are 85 species of krill  Most krill lay up 300 to 500 eggs at a time  A lifespan of a krill is usually up to 10 years Definition of the word krill: any of the small, shrimplike crustaceans of the f amilyEuphausiidae, eaten as food by certain whales. Facts

3 Adelie penguinAdelie penguin  Adélie Penguins can live to be up to 20 years old  They are about 24 inches tall and they weigh 3½ to 4 kilograms Definition of Adelie penguin: a penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae, occurring in large colonies in Antarctica. Facts

4 Elephant sealElephant seal  Males can be over 6 meters long and weigh up to 4,000 kilogram.  There are two species of elephant seals, the northern and southern. Definition of Elephant seals: Either of two seals of the genus Mirounga, of the Pacific coast of North America and the An tarctic Ocean, having a curved proboscis resembling an ele phant's trunk.

5 IcebergsIcebergs  In 1956 there was an iceberg as big as Belgium. Another big one in 1987 was bigger than Rhode Island.  Another big iceberg was 183 miles long. It broke up in 2000.  Icebergs can flip over, which causes giant waves. Definition of an iceberg: a large floating mass of ice, detached fro m a glacier and carried out to sea.

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