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1. Why are laws created? (give 3 reasons) 2. Why is a scale used to represent Justice?

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2 1. Why are laws created? (give 3 reasons) 2. Why is a scale used to represent Justice?



5 An empire brings together several peoples, nations, or previously independent states. It puts them under the control of one ruler. Centuries of fighting between the city-states made the Sumerians weak. In 2350 BCE, the conqueror Sargon defeated Sumer and captured other cities to the north. A few hundred years later, The Babylonians conquered the Sumerians. They established the

6 Babylon was a city-state located on the Euphrates River near what is today Baghdad, Iraq. By 1800 BCE, however, it was home to a powerful government of its own. In 1792 BCE, Hammurabi became Babylon’s king. He would become the city’s greatest monarch. MONARCH: a ruler of a kingdom or empire.

7  maintained control of the empire by a code of law.(His kingdom included 24 cities)  Claimed the gods had chosen him “to promote the welfare of the people,… to cause justice to prevail in the land, to destroy the wicked and evil, [so] that the strong might not oppress the weak, to rise like the sun over the people, and to light up the land.” Hammurabi (King of Babylonian Empire from 1792 to 1750 BCE.)

8 ∑Hammurabi was a brilliant leader. ∑He Expanded the Babylonian Empire throughout Fertile Crescent. ∑Installed governors and judges to help him keep order. ∑Oversaw building & irrigation projects ∑He improved the tax system.


10 You may have heard the expression “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” This means that whoever commits an injury should be punished in the same manner as that injury. If someone puts out another person's eye, their eye would be put out in return. The laws assembled by King Hammurabi were known as the Code of Hammurabi. hamster giving an eye Bad Pun for Hammurabi’s Eye for an Eye.

11 Hammurabi’s laws were known to be strict and detailed. Punishment was harsh. For example, if you broke another person’s bone, then your bone would be broken. Or if carpenter built a house that later collapsed and killed the son of a homeowner, then the carpenter’s own son would be put to death.

12  The code of Hammurabi had 282 laws.  It was arranged under headings such as trade, family, work and property.  It took 3,600 lines of cuneiform to write them all down.  The laws were carved on a stone table that was placed in the center of the town.  On the top of the column sat Samash, the god of the sun and justice.

13 Hammurabi standing saluting god Shamash Hammurabi rules with the permission of the god Shamash hands the code to him

14 Hammurabi’s Code was important not only for how thorough it was, but also because it was written down for all to see. People all over the Babylonian Empire could read (if they knew how) exactly what was against the law. Stele of Hammurabi

15 Penalties varied according to status. Wealthy people were usually allowed to pay a fine instead of receiving a physical punishment. If the victim was a poor person, the rich might not be punished at all. Many of the laws are now considered harsh and outdated; however,these laws helped govern ancient Babylon during the rule of King Hammurabi. Social Structure had a lot to do with how Laws and Punishments were handled.

16 The actual code of law was divided up into groupings. Many of the laws that had to do with one subject were grouped together. This would have helped people to find and read just the laws that pertained to them. Here are some of the major sections of the code: Prologue Legal Procedures Household laws Slavery Trade and business Religion Epilogue The prologue introduced the Code. The prologue describes how the god Shamash gave the laws to Hammurabi. What other documents have a Prologue?

17 HHammurabi's Code is important because it set the first written laws in human history. FFirst written legal document. IIt teaches us about Mesopotamian society, class divisions, political & economic factors. IIt is the basis of our modern day legal code. Society wouldn't be the same if it weren't for this code of laws. It was the start of a civilized group of people. Its influence is obvious in Hebrew and Islam laws today, and in the U.S. judiciary system.

18 Ko&list=TLiuaWwMcrUxPgOcZtKVoVVKKYg GkOROP3 Another 3 Min Video for Review GREAT OVERVIEW 3 MIN

19 You Decide!! Decide what you think to be a fair way to deal with each of the following problems. Would Marduk, the supreme god, be pleased with your decisions?


21 What should be done to the carpenter who builds a house that falls and kills the owner? PutPut him on trial Put him to deathdeath

22 Nope!! Try again

23 If a builder builds a house for a man and does not make its construction sound, and the house which he has built collapses and causes the death of the owner of the house, the builder shall be put to death.

24 What should be done when a "sister of god" (or nun) enters the wine shop for a drink? Put her on trialtrial Burn Burn her

25 Oops!! Try again

26 If a "sister of god" (nun) who is not living in a convent opens a wine shop or enters a wine shop for a drink, they shall burn that woman.

27 What happens if a man is unable to pay his debts? Sell his family Put him to deathdeath

28 Uh-oh!! Try again

29 If a man be in debt and is unable to pay his creditors, he shall sell his wife, son, or daughter, or bind them over to service. For three years they shall work in the houses of their purchaser or master; in the fourth year they shall be given their freedom.

30 What should be done about a wife who ignores her duties and belittles her husband? Throw her in water Make fun of herher

31 Yikes!!

32 If the woman has not been careful but has gadded about, neglecting her house and belittling her husband, they shall throw that woman into the water.

33 What should be done if a son is adopted and then the birth- parents want him back? Adoptive parents get him Birth parents get him

34 Argh!! Try again

35 If a man takes in his own home a young boy as a son and rears him, one may not bring claim for that adopted son.

36 How is the truth determined when one man brings an accusation against another? Water test Drown him

37 Oh, well!! Try again

38 How is the truth determined when one man brings an accusation against another? If any one bring an accusation against a man, and the accused go to the river and leap into the river, if he sink in the river his accuser shall take possession of his house. But if the river prove that the accused is not guilty, and he escape unhurt, then he who had brought the accusation shall be put to death, while he who leaped into the river shall take possession of the house that had belonged to his accuser.

39 What should happen to a boy who slaps his father? Cut off his hand Put him to death

40 Oopsy!! Try again

41 If a son strikes his father, they shall cut off his hand.

42 How did Hammurabi's Code deal with witchcraft? Anyone accused of witchcraft underwent an ordeal by water Accused were thrown in the Euphrates -if they sank: they were guilty -if they floated they were innocent. It was believed that the ordeal would allow the gods to render legal decision

43 Code 218. If a physician make a large incision with the operating knife, and kill him, or open a tumor with the operating knife, and cut out the eye, his hands shall be cut off.


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