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Digital libraries research IG Cataloging and metadata IG Web services and metadata switch February 2003 Web services and metadata switch February 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital libraries research IG Cataloging and metadata IG Web services and metadata switch February 2003 Web services and metadata switch February 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital libraries research IG Cataloging and metadata IG Web services and metadata switch February 2003 Web services and metadata switch February 2003

2 Context Libraries Libraries are creating more metadata for more types of material. They are using different metadata schema and content standards They are using different systems and workflows. For OCLC Much of the value of what we offer is embedded in integrated systems which meet a central need, but which may not support the changing working patterns of all our potential users. We need to explore how to break down services into components which our users can build back up within their environments and workflows We also need to figure out how to make our existing investment in structured metadata work more for us by mining, developing, and exposing relationships across documents and other resources.

3 Response: metadata switch A set of projects which explore services which … add value to metadata –through transformation, enrichment, recombination, ….. and are delivered as modular, web-based machine-to-machine applications (web services). Some test cases –ContentDM –‘portal service’ –UK e-prints

4 Some putative examples of services Schema transformation –give me a MARC record: I will give you back a DC one Terminology service –Give me a Dewey number: I will tell you if it is valid –Give me an ISBN: I will give you back Dewey numbers associated with the book –Give me a Dewey number: I will send you back corresponding Eric headings –Give me a document: I will suggest some FAST headings Name service –Give me name: I will give you back matching names from an authority file Work service –Give me an ISBN: I will give you back ISBNs for books in the same ‘work’ Format service –Give me an object in one format: I will give you back one in another –Give me an object in one format: I will validate it

5 What are ‘web services’ A way of exposing functionality as modular components “network accessible application components” “interoperable building blocks for constructing applications” “self-describing applications that can be discovered and accessed over the web by other applications” Technical definition –Web Services are a suite of protocols that define how requests and responses between software applications should be encoded & transferred over the web

6 More on web services Machine-to-machine communication Run over standard Web protocols –XML syntax, HTTP packaging Several approaches –REST Representational State Transfer Simple: HTTP request; XML or HTML response OpenURL; Open Archives Initiative; SRU –SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol More complex: XML SRW WSDL, UDDI

7 Some objectives How will services work in more distributed environments? What metadata/knowledge organization services would be useful in these environments? How should they be delivered? What role will OCLC play? Who do we collaborate with?


9 To follow: Thom Hickey –Names –Works Diane Vizine-Goetz –Terminology Jean Godby –Schema transformation Discussion

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