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1 All the bones of an organism united in bone system (skeleton or systema skeletale), which is usually called skeleton.

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Presentation on theme: "1 All the bones of an organism united in bone system (skeleton or systema skeletale), which is usually called skeleton."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 All the bones of an organism united in bone system (skeleton or systema skeletale), which is usually called skeleton.

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3 3 Male skeleton Female skeleton.

4 4 Male scull Female scull

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6 6 Skeleton performs many functions: support protection body movement hemopoiesis mineral storage

7 7 Stages of the development of the skeleton: 1.connective-tissue (membranouse) 2.cartilaginous 3.bony

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9 9 The types of ossification (osteogenesis) are distinguished: Intramembranous or endesmal Perichondral Enchondral

10 10 The bones, which go through these three developmental stages, called secondary bone.

11 11 The bones, which are formed directly from connective tissue without going through the stage of the cartilage, called primary bone.

12 12 The skeleton is devided into axial and appendicular portion.

13 13 The components of the axial skeleton are as follow: 1.Skull 2.Auditory ossicle 3.Hyoid bone 4.Vertebral column 5.Thoracic cage

14 14 The appendicular skeleton is composed of the: 1.Pectoral girgle 2.Upper limb 3.Pelvic girgle 4.Lower limb

15 15 The skeleton is composed of more then 200 bones. Bone classification according the shape: 1. Long bones 2. Flat bones 3. Short bones 4. Mixed bones

16 16 The types of bones

17 17 As a organ bone has: 1. bone tissue: compact tissue spongy tissue 2. bone marrow 3. periosteum 4. epiphyseal cartilage 5. vessels and nerve

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19 19 The part of the tubulare bone

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21 21 The structure of bone

22 22 Osteon – is a structuring unit compact tissue of the bone. This is a system of bone lamellas, which are situated around the thin (Haversion) canal, where vessels and nerves are going through.

23 23 Group of osteons form the trabecule. Substantia spongiosa (trabecularis) is formed by the many trabecules, which are situated crumbly. There are a lot of lacunaes.

24 24 Substantia compacta consist of trabecules, which are situated tightly.

25 25 On the surface of the bone the compact bone tissue is situated. Spongy tissue is situated under the compact tissue. In the wall of diaphysis of tubular bones and flat bones the compact tissue is the main.

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29 29 The bone lacunars of the spongy tissue and bones canal of tubular bones contain bone marrow. These lacunars of the spongy bones is called bone- medullary cavity. This canal of bones is called bone- medullary canal.

30 30 yellow bone marrow. The bone marrow are divided on red bone marrow and yellow bone marrow. The function of The function of red bone marrow is hemopoesis. yellow bone marrow consist of fat cells. The yellow bone marrow consist of fat cells.

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