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MPI for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany BIRA/IASB, Brussels, Belgium University of Colorado, Boulder, USA CAS Hefei, China CAMS Beijing, China University of.

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Presentation on theme: "MPI for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany BIRA/IASB, Brussels, Belgium University of Colorado, Boulder, USA CAS Hefei, China CAMS Beijing, China University of."— Presentation transcript:

1 MPI for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany BIRA/IASB, Brussels, Belgium University of Colorado, Boulder, USA CAS Hefei, China CAMS Beijing, China University of Heidelberg, Germany University of Bremen, Germany NUST Islamabad, Pakistan University Minsk, Belarus IISER, Mohali, India University Galati, Romania Steffen Beirle, Sebastian Böhnke, Ilya Bruchkousky, Maksym Chirkov, Daniel Constantin, Caroline Fayt, Udo Frieß, Clio Gielen, Matthias Gottschalk, Myojeong Gu, Cagin Güler, Francois Hendrick, Christian Hermans, Martin Horbanski, Jin Junli, Fahim Khokhar, Ted Koenig, Vinod Kumar, Johannes Lampel, Jeongsoon Lee, Ang Li, Yuhan Luo, Jianzhong Ma, Buhalqem Mamtimin, Alexis Merlaud, Franz Meixner, Jan Nasse, Ivan Ortega, Lara Penth, Enno Peters, Gaia Pinardi, Julia Remmers, Andreas Richter, Andre Seyler, Reza Shaiganfar, Vinayak Sinha, Frederik Tack, Michel van Roozendael, Rainer Volkamer, Thomas Wagner, Yang Wang, Folkard Wittrock, Pinhua Xie, Marc Ziegler MADCAT Developments MADCAT Summer 2013 in Mainz, Germany

2 NORS workshop, 7th November 2014, Julia Remmers - 2 - Overview MAD-CAT: short reminder Azimuthal distribution of NO 2 Comparison exercises for HONO and CHOCHO ongoing Combination of Ceilometer profiles and AERONET AOD constraints the aerosol extinction profile (scaling factor for O 4 ) Horizontal calibration of the instruments New data on website

3 NORS workshop, 7th November 2014, Julia Remmers - 3 - Multi Axis DOAS – Comparison Campaign for Aerosols and Trace Gases Standard viewing direction: 51° (towards Frankfurt) 1320 take offs per day

4 EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Julia Remmers - 4 - MAD-CAT: Instruments 16 MAX-DOAS instruments  6 azimuth scanning instruments Car-MAX-DOAS operated by 3 groups NO2-CE-DOAS (Heidelberg) Aeronet-Station on the same building Ceilometer next to the instruments IR-cloud detection (in development) Several in situ measurement sites in Mainz and Wiesbaden (NO2, SO2, PM2.5, PM10, humidity, wind temperature, etc.) Intensive Phase: June to begin of July 2013 Extended Phase: until mid of October 2013

5 Focus on 18:06.13 4 Groups: Bremen, Boulder, Heidelberg, Mainz minimum 1 scan every 2 hours (several groups made more measurements) Elevation: 2° NORS workshop, 7th November 2014, Julia Remmers - 5 - Azimuthal Comparisons

6 NORS workshop, 7th November 2014, Julia Remmers - 6 - NO2: all Instruments in one plot Bremen Boulder Heidelberg Mainz  The results of the different instruments are in good agreement

7 NO2 and O4: Comparison to RTM

8 NORS workshop, 7th November 2014, Julia Remmers - 8 - NO2: Diurnal Variation 8 UTC (+/-0.25h)

9 NORS workshop, 7th November 2014, Julia Remmers - 9 - NO2: Diurnal Variation 9 UTC (+/-0.25h)

10 NORS workshop, 7th November 2014, Julia Remmers - 10 - NO2: Diurnal Variation 10 UTC (+/-0.25h)

11 NORS workshop, 7th November 2014, Julia Remmers - 11 - NO2: Diurnal Variation 11 UTC (+/-0.25h)

12 NORS workshop, 7th November 2014, Julia Remmers - 12 - NO2: Diurnal Variation 12 UTC (+/-0.25h)

13 NORS workshop, 7th November 2014, Julia Remmers - 13 - NO2: Diurnal Variation 13 UTC (+/-0.25h)

14 NORS workshop, 7th November 2014, Julia Remmers - 14 - NO2: Diurnal Variation 14 UTC (+/-0.25h)

15 NORS workshop, 7th November 2014, Julia Remmers - 15 - NO2: Diurnal Variation 15 UTC (+/-0.25h)

16 NORS workshop, 7th November 2014, Julia Remmers - 16 - NO2: Diurnal Variation 16 UTC (+/-0.25h)

17 NORS workshop, 7th November 2014, Julia Remmers - 17 - NO2: Diurnal Variation 17 UTC (+/-0.25h)

18 NORS workshop, 7th November 2014, Julia Remmers - 18 - NO2: Diurnal Variation 18 UTC (+/-0.25h)  Development over the day is clearly visible  Pattern changes completely  High azimuth resolution necessary

19 Day with low trop. NO2 17.06.2013

20 Yang Wang, Hefei Comparison of spatial gradients from azimuth scans and car MAX-DOAS measurements

21 UV, 17.06.2013

22 Comparison of measured DSCDs (with different reference spectra) Analyses of synthetic spectra Sensitivity studies Recommendations for preferred settings Comparison studies of HONO (Yang Wang) and CHOCHO (Ivan Ortega)

23 Clear day (08.07.2013) Temperature dependence of O4 cross section Determination of O4 VCD from temp. and pressure profiles Aerosol extinction from Ceilometer and AERONET AOD Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption

24 Temperature dependence of O4 absorption Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption O4 xs at 293 K orthogonalised versus 203 K Both O4 xs (293K and 203K) without orthogonalisation O4 analysis in the UV

25 Temperature dependence of O4 absorption Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption Ratio of O4 DSCDs for both temperatures (203K / 293K) For 1° elevation good agreement with simulation is found Simulations: Atmospheric temperature profile weighted by O4 profile and differential box-AMF

26 Temperature dependence of O4 absorption Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption Ratio of O4 DSCDs for both temperatures (203K / 293K) During episodes with strong absorption enhancement inside clouds, the effective temperature is decreased

27 Temperature dependence of O4 absorption Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption Results for different cross sections

28 Temperature dependence of O4 absorption Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption Results for different cross sections

29 Aerosol extinction profile from Ceilometer and AERONET AOD Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption 4:00 - 7:007:00 - 11:0011:00 - 17:00

30 Aerosol extinction profile from Ceilometer and AERONET AOD Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption Calibrated extinction profiles used for RTM Extrapolation for the lowest 150 m

31 Aerosol extinction profile from Ceilometer and AERONET AOD Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption Calibrated extinction profiles used for RTM

32 Comparison between measurements and simulations Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption

33 Comparison between measurements and simulations Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption

34 Comparison between measurements and simulations Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption

35 Comparison between measurements and simulations Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption

36 Comparison between measurements and simulations Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption

37 Comparison between measurements and simulations Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption

38 Comparison between measurements and simulations Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption => Scaling factor of ~0.8 is needed

39 Comparison between measurements and simulations Quantitative comparison of O4 absorption

40 Light SourceTelescopeLaser Level Udo Friess Horizontal calibration

41 Can be also performed by scanning the horizon The first derivative has to be calculated Horizon has to be near (strong contrast is needed)

42 Target for elevation scans during day Black velvet Paper stripe Can be performed using artificial contrasts

43 5 consecutive scans, each about 1 min This was just a feasabilty study, the paper stripe was not put to 0° 520 nm

44 New data on MADCAT web page Information on cloud cover Visual inspection BIRA cloud classification MPIC cloud classification Information on aerosols Ceilometer profiles Aeronet AOD

45 New data on MADCAT web page Data are available in daily overview grahps (see right figure) Aerosol profiles are also available as ASCII files

46 New data on MADCAT web page Information from in-situ measurement stations in Mainz and Wiesbaden: Trace gases (NO, NO 2, O 3, CO, VOCs) Aerosols (pm2.5, pm10, soot) Meteorological parameters (T, p, rel. Hum., prec. Wind speed and direction, global radiation)

47 New data on MADCAT web page Information from in-situ measurement stations in Mainz and Wiesbaden: Trace gases (NO, NO2, O3, CO, VOCs) Aerosols (pm2.5, pm10, soot) Meteorological parameters (T, p, rel. Hum., prec. Wind speed and direction, global radiation)

48 MADCAT is already 2 years ago Currently several important studies are carried out Hopefully there will be more in the near future (further comparison exercises e.g. on H 2 O, Ring effect) Recently comprehensive information on clouds, aerosols, in-situ trace gas and aerosol measurements and meterological parameters are made available on MADCAT website. They should stimulate further in-depth investigations MADCAT developments

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