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Dear Parents and Guardians, Our classes will be participating in The Great Egg Drop on Friday, April 12, 2013. The goal of this project is to design a.

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Presentation on theme: "Dear Parents and Guardians, Our classes will be participating in The Great Egg Drop on Friday, April 12, 2013. The goal of this project is to design a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dear Parents and Guardians, Our classes will be participating in The Great Egg Drop on Friday, April 12, 2013. The goal of this project is to design a way to protect a raw egg that will be dropped from a bucket truck to the ground below. Please read the instructions on the back of this letter carefully with your child so you have a clear idea of what is expected for this project. There will be a report due along with the actual project. This will be a large part of your child’s science grade this nine weeks. But don’t worry, they will not lose points if their egg breaks ! We look forward to seeing all the wonderful projects! Loving Learning, Mrs. Quimuyog and Mrs. Garrett Report and Project Due Date: Friday, April 12th

2 Instructions for Students: Your job is to design a way for an egg to survive being dropped from the bucket truck onto the ground below. You may use any materials needed (as long as your parents or guardians give you permission), however, keep in mind that the teachers need to be able to get to your egg using only scissors after you drop it. It is very difficult to get through sticky foam insulation or similar construction materials. You will be turning in a report and presenting your report to the class on April 12th. You may choose to do this report in writing, on a video, or in a PowerPoint presentation. This is a LARGE part of your science grade this nine weeks. Report Requirements: You must include the following 3 items in your writing, video, Glogster poster or PowerPoint: 1. Explain, in detail, the way you planned your project. Write down any and all ideas, and explain why some were chosen and others weren’t. Also include the steps you took in preparation for building your project (who you asked for help, where you looked for ideas or materials, early sketches of the project, etc.) 2. Describe the construction of your project. Explain about the materials used, how you used them, and how they protect your egg. Describe the steps used to actually create the project, including anyone who helped you. 3. You must do at least one test flight of the project. This may include throwing it in the air, or it may involve your family helping you find a way to drop it from a high place (SAFELY!!!). You must describe the test flight, including the weather conditions, the place, the people around, and what you did to test your project. Also include the results, and tell whether you decided to make any changes because of the test. Feel free to add in pictures or drawings to help explain what you did! If you choose to present using PowerPoint or, turn it in via email to your teacher. On Friday, April 12th, bring your project to school WITH AN EGG IN IT!

3 Name ____________________________ Report turned in on time _____/10 points Project turned in on time _____/10 points Writing/Video/PowerPoint/Glogster a.Planning _____/20 points b. Construction _____/20 points c. Test flight description _____/20 points and results (any changes made?) Creativity/Effort _____/20 points Total Score: _____/100 points Teacher Comments:

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