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Journal 9/22/09 Explain the statement : The world is made up of two classes, the hunters and the huntees. Can you apply this statement to our world today?

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Presentation on theme: "Journal 9/22/09 Explain the statement : The world is made up of two classes, the hunters and the huntees. Can you apply this statement to our world today?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal 9/22/09 Explain the statement : The world is made up of two classes, the hunters and the huntees. Can you apply this statement to our world today? Explain! Do you agree with this statement? Explain!

2 SIMILE -Explain the following: Pg. 53..night crawled by like a wounded snake// (TR)Pg. 53..night crawled by like a wounded snake// (TR) Pg. 40..sea was as flat as a plate glass window// (BR)Pg. 40..sea was as flat as a plate glass window// (BR)

3 FORESHADOWING Pg. 39 mystery/Pg. 39 mystery/ Pg. 40 very gravely/ (BL)Pg. 40 very gravely/ (BL) Pg. 42 extremity of anguish/ (TR)Pg. 42 extremity of anguish/ (TR)

4 FORESHADOWING – Explain: Pg. 45 appraisingly/studying (BR)Pg. 45 appraisingly/studying (BR) Pg. 48 new animalPg. 48 new animal

5 METAPHOR - Pg. 42 yacht/ fireflies (BL) DICTION – Pg. 41-42 pipe/brierPg. 41-42 pipe/brier Pg. 43 Chateau / mansion (BL)Pg. 43 Chateau / mansion (BL)

6 SETTING Ship Trap IslandShip Trap Island CaribbeanCaribbean CHARACTERS –Describe:  Rainsford-  Zaroff -

7 CHARACTERS cont’d  Ivan –  Whitney – PROTAGONIST – Rainsford or Zaroff ANTAGONIST- Rainsford or Zaroff

8 DYNAMIC CHARACTER – ????? STATIC CHARACTER- ????? IRONY-Explain the irony in the following examples.

9 IRONY – Explain:  Pg. 45 R finds Z an affable host / Student’s Answer ???  Pg. 45 Z appears civilized & humane / ???  Pg. 57 Z expects to win game/ ????

10 FOIL – Explain how foil works in the story. CONFLICT- EXTERNAL -R vs. sea-R vs. rocks R vs. IvanR vs. dogs Ivan vs. traps R vs. Z

11 CONFLICT- EXTERNAL Zaroff vs. sailors Rainsford vs. quicksand Now add your own examples!!

12 CONFLICT- INTERNAL -Whitney & sailors vs. fear -Rainsford vs. panic -R vs. will to survive Now add your own!!

13 PLOT – SEQUENCE OF EVENTS Exposition – Whitney, Rainsford/ experienced hunters, STI, Rainsford stranded on island

14 RISING ACTIONS- -R finds out Zaroff hunts humans -Z bored w/hunting animals -Z appears civilized

15 RISING ACTIONS- -Z hunting humans as a game/exciting

16 CLIMAX -Rainsford is now the huntee and no longer the hunter. (When R is in tree and realizes he is Zaroff’s prey.)

17 Falling Action -3 traps set by Rainsford -Z does not get caught by trap or Rainsford during the hunt. -Ivan & his dog are caught in trap

18 Falling Action -Z agrees to release R if he wins the game.(If R eludes Z for 3 days.) -R jumps off cliff/Z thinks he won game and that R has died in jump

19 Conclusion -Z celebrates w/dinner/wine/relaxed -Z in bedroom, caught by surprise by R behind curtain

20 Conclusion - R/Z of them is going to the dogs and one is going to sleep in bed -R wins game / slept in finest bed.

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