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Warm-up: Answer in brief paragraph: What were the differences between Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction?

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1 Warm-up: Answer in brief paragraph: What were the differences between Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction?

2 Reconstruction Politics

3 Advancing Democracy Ideals & Institutions 13 th, 14 th and 15 th Amendments part of program to ensure civil rights for African Americans Freedom, Citizenship and Voting for African Americans advance American ideals of democracy Women also fought for voting rights during Reconstruction but were still unsuccessful.

4 Political Parties Lincoln was a Republican and Johnson was a Democrat, but chosen as running mate (vice-president) because he was loyal to the Union although a southern sympathizer Johnson favored a government controlled by white citizens and was very prejudice against African Americans o Often refused to compromise o Did not believe in civil rights for Afr. Americans

5 Political Parties in Congress Most Republicans in Congress were moderates o Wanted to restore Southern states to the Union o Keep former Confederates out of government o Give southern African Americans some civil equalities but not the vote (which many Northerners agreed with) Race riots in Memphis and New Orleans pulled congressional republicans together 1866 elections saw many Northerners voting in “radical” republicans Knew strong enforcement was required to make Reconstruction a success and knew Johnson would not cooperate

6 Tenure of Office Act Congress passed act to protect Reconstruction policies and Republican office holders Required Senate approval of a replacement before the President could remove an appointed official Johnson believed it unconstitutional and put it to the test by removing Secretary of War Edwin Stanton (an ally of Radicals) from office House of Representatives voted to impeach Johnson because he violated the act, making “scandalous” speeches and bringing Congress “into disgrace”

7 Impeachment To impeach a President, House of Reps bring charges and Senate hold hearings Congress brought 11 charges against Johnson, none with any substance Real Congressional grievances against Johnson: o 1) Johnson was unfair o 2) Johnson governed poorly o 3) Johnson tried to halt Congress’s plan for Reconstruction Trial lasted 8 weeks and Johnson was acquitted in the Senate by 1 vote short of 2/3 majority needed to convict and remove from office

8 Southern Reconstruction Governments Carpetbaggers-Northern Republicans (white and African American) moved to the South to participate in state conventions Scalawags-southern whites who supported the Union cause Reconstruction supporters in the South formed a Republican alliance-a party of progress and civilization o Used political leverage to draft new state constitutions

9 Re-admittance to the Union Once Congress approved the new state constitutions, state legislators o Raised taxes to finance new roads, bridges and railroads---rebuild infrastructure o Giving all men the right to vote found many African Americans voting for the first time and holding government office positions for the first time

10 Election of 1868 Radical Republicans nominated Ulysses S. Grant for president o Lacked political experience but was a war hero Democrats ran a campaign strategy based on white supremacy o Diminishing democratic win Southern Democrats relied on economic threats to keep African Americans from voting Close race but Grant won because of African Americans voting Grant’s administration would be filled with corruption but Grant would still get things done o Credit Mobilier-Union Pacific Railroad grant scam-paid Congressmen not to investigate o Whiskey Ring-defrauded government of excise taxes on whiskey- ringleader was a Grant appointee and his private secretary

11 Activity: Using your Chromebooks, go to your class page on teacher Windsor page, click on “Grant Scandals” link. Read about the scandals that occurred and write a brief summary about each for a total of 3 summaries (nb pages 64- 65)

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