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Estonian agriculture and food industry. Facts about Estonia The total area of Estonia is 45,227 km2, including 43,200 km2 of land area. More than a half.

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Presentation on theme: "Estonian agriculture and food industry. Facts about Estonia The total area of Estonia is 45,227 km2, including 43,200 km2 of land area. More than a half."— Presentation transcript:

1 Estonian agriculture and food industry

2 Facts about Estonia The total area of Estonia is 45,227 km2, including 43,200 km2 of land area. More than a half of the land area is forest land, one-third is agricultural land, and one-fifth is covered by mires and bogs. The population of Estonia was 1.361 million as of 1 January 2002.


4 Climate The climate ranges from maritime to continental: coastal areas and islands have maritime, and Southeast Estonia has continental climate. Sun shines 1600–1870 hours a year. The sum of effective temperatures (over 5°C) is up to 1350°C in north Estonia and up to 1500°C in south Estonia and the west Estonian islands. The average vegetation period lasts for 183 days; 189 days on the coast and 174 days on the Pandivere highland. The average air humidity is 80%. The average precipitation is 650 mm; 500 mm in east Estonia and 700 mm in Southeast Estonia.

5 Agricultural land use According to the Statistical Office and the agricultural census of 2001, the end of 2001 ha of agricultural land of the total 1.33 mln ha of cultivated area had abandoned an area of 441,977. The soil quality rating is below 35 points in 376,750 ha.

6 Percentage of agriculture and forestry in GDP in 1997–2002 199719981999200020012002 Agriculture, hunting4. 3.1 Forestry2.4 2.62.422.1

7 Real investments and investment needs in Estonian agriculture 1995-2001 (mln euro)

8 Investments of agricultural enterprises 1996-2001 (million euro)

9 Investment needs to agricultural sector in 2000-2006 (million euro)

10 Agricultural investments to fix assets, in comparison to value added of agriculture (%)

11 Estonian agricultural indicators 1992-2001

12 Structure of agricultural land by land size, Estonia and EU (%)


14 Area under crop production 1997-2001 (ha)

15 Cereal production structure in 2001

16 Number of livestock in 1995-2001

17 Structure of cattle herds by herd size 2001


19 Food industry indicators in 1995-2001

20 Natura 2000

21 484144 ha of protected areas in Estonia 10.7% of the entire territory of the country most of the future Natura 2000 areas are already protected

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