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The Global Public Inclusive DevAcc2012 Jim Tobias September 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "The Global Public Inclusive DevAcc2012 Jim Tobias September 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure @ DevAcc2012 Jim Tobias September 2012

2 Raising the Floor  International non-profit organization based in Geneva  Partners in universities, industry, advocacy  GPII is the main project 8 months into a 4-year, $15 million development program US, EU, Canada

3 What’s the problem?  Information and communication technology (ICT) continues to expand its reach into everyday functions  Mainstream ICT interfaces: inconsistent and complex low usability for people with functional limitations  Many AT solutions: hard to obtain (information, cost) platform-specific operate independently low contextual awareness

4 What’s the solution?  Create infrastructure where: users can create and refine their interface needs and preferences ICT providers can project their products’ flexible capabilities AT providers can develop and deliver targeted solutions  “Roads not cars”  Open integration across products and services

5 Examples of Services & Features  Captions  Enhanced audio reduce background noise custom frequency response  Text to speech  Enhanced visuals font, size, colors, contrast, layout  Reminders, contextual clues  Personalized touch input larger targets reduce errors

6 Benefits  Users: Select your interface once; use it everywhere, automatically User control for privacy & security  ICT: simple path for enhancing & projecting a11y  AT: easy platform porting; global marketing  Enterprises: serve customers, clients, and employees manageably

7 How Will GPII Work?


9 GPII Status & Roadmap  Architecture almost complete  Real demos Listeners Personal Needs & Preferences (PNP) server OS features & some AT products are integrated  High international visibility  Moving to implementation in educational materials  Trials in next 12-18 months

10 Partners & Examples  Amara – crowdsourced captions  Family Ribbon – aggregated online services, simplified interface  AssistMeLive – assistance on demand with a disability focus

11 Amara

12 Family Ribbon

13 AssistMeLive

14 Thank You!

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