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1 Andrew Howard UNFCCC secretariat Cooperation among administrators Structure and modalities Intersessional consultations.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Andrew Howard UNFCCC secretariat Cooperation among administrators Structure and modalities Intersessional consultations."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Andrew Howard UNFCCC secretariat Cooperation among administrators Structure and modalities Intersessional consultations on registry systems Bonn 8-10 November 2004

2 2 SBSTA 21 and COP 10 SBSTA 21 to prepare a draft decision for COP 10 Structure of cooperation Facilitation of cooperation by the ITL administrator Manner of reporting to the SBs or COP/MOP Draft outlines inform the structure and procedures Effective, long-term cooperation Accuracy, efficiency and transparency in the operation of registry systems

3 3 Scope of cooperation Common operational procedures Recommended practices Sharing of information and experience Development and implementation of measures to ensure technical, operational and procedural compatibility Consistency with COP and COP/MOP decisions Only greenhouse gas or Kyoto registries?

4 4 Facilitation of cooperation Role of the ITL administrator or ITL host? Information depository Communication of information (extranet, listserv, workflows) Development tasks, preparation of drafts Development of draft plans and schedules Assessment of proposals and documentation Coordination and support of assessment teams Provision of assistance to registry administrators Meeting services and logistical support

5 5 Structures Registry system administrators (as member organizations) Nomination of key administrator representatives Scope for decision-making Decision-making structures (committee, subgroups, chairs) Involvement of non-administrators Frequency and timing of meetings Communication and transparency of information (within and outside the group, taking account of confidentiality)

6 6 Nature of reporting Nature and frequency of reporting to the COP/MOP Nature of recommendations to the COP/MOP Nature of guidance by the COP/MOLP

7 7 Contribution to Article 8 review Testing and quality assurance -Initialization of registries -Ongoing testing once operations begin Communication of test assessments Use and status of assessments in the Article 8 process Generation of Parties’ reports from registries Compatibility of registries’ public information Implications for administrators’ cooperation

8 8 Funding of cooperation Funding for staff / contributions of registry administrators Funding for facilitative role of the ITL Self-funding by administrators? Coverage through connection/transaction fees?

9 9 Key issues to resolve What priority and timing? Level of formality and specificity? How to allow for natural growth and learning? Nature of mandate to develop at SBSTA 21 / COP 10?

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