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First Day of Class August 26, 2013 Bio113 Integrated Concepts in Biology A. Malcolm Campbell and Chris J. Paradise.

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2 First Day of Class August 26, 2013 Bio113 Integrated Concepts in Biology A. Malcolm Campbell and Chris J. Paradise

3 “ Number of Jobs Held, Labor Market Activity, and Earnings Growth among the Youngest Baby Boomers: Results from a Longitudinal Survey ” Are you training for one job?

4 born in the years 1957 to 1964 jobs from age 18 to age 42 average number of 10.8 jobs more jobs while 18 - 24 than 36 - 42 23% held at least 15 jobs “ Number of Jobs Held, Labor Market Activity, and Earnings Growth among the Youngest Baby Boomers: Results from a Longitudinal Survey ” Are you training for one job? Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2008

5 No one gives you an education. If you want one, you have to take it. John Taylor Gotto

6 advanced degree $74,602 bachelors degrees $51,206 high school diploma $27,915 no high school diploma $18,734. Average Annual Earnings Workers >18

7 Education is the only industry where customers never complain when they get less product for their money. Despite the value of an education...

8 Take charge of your own education.

9 “ What is the secret to success? It's quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn ’ t at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it, so go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because remember that ’ s where you will find success. ” Thomas J. Watson Thomas J. Watson, founder of IBM

10 I am a biology nerd.

11 We give students lots of detailed information...

12 ...but they don ’ t see the big picture!

13 Three Keys to Success in College 1. Ask for help when you are frustrated or don ’ t know how to find answers. 2. Read ahead the first week. This is a huge help come week 4. 3. Learn how to study effectively - time is the limiting factor.

14 What makes me an authority? My first test grade at Davidson = F My second test grade…. F

15 When you find yourself in a hole…...stop digging.

16 What makes me an authority on recovering from a bad start? F F My second test grade…. F My first test grade at Davidson = F I had to change the way I studied. I was not prepared for Davidson-quality work. I had never gotten an F before.

17 Three Keys to Success in College 1. Ask for help when you are frustrated or don ’ t know how to find answers. 2. Read ahead the first week. This is a huge help come week 4. 3. Learn how to study effectively - time is the limiting factor.

18 What is the most effective way to study?

19 reread text and notes

20 What is the most effective way to study? reread text and notes self-quizzing, recall

21 What is the most effective way to study? What do we call this condition in an experiment?

22 What is the most effective way to study? Students got 30% correct if they did not study at all.

23 What is the most effective way to study? What would you predict with study?

24 What is the most effective way to study? Surprised?

25 What is the most effective way to study? Are these different?

26 What is the most effective way to study? Are these different?

27 What is the most effective way to study? Are these different?

28 What is the most effective way to study? These two averages are not significantly different!

29 What is the most effective way to study? What would you predict with testing?

30 What is the most effective way to study? OMG!

31 What is the most effective way to study? don ’ t bother

32 The Outline Method for Learning

33 start with 1 blank piece of paper The Outline Method for Learning

34 make an outline of the chapter Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Matrix - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win The Outline Method for Learning

35 Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Bourne Legacy - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win turn the paper over The Outline Method for Learning

36 Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Bourne Legacy - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win get a clean sheet of paper The Outline Method for Learning

37 Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Bourne Legacy - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win try to recreate the outline Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Matrix - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win The Outline Method for Learning

38 Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Bourne Legacy - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win this is what you DO know Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Matrix - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win The Outline Method for Learning

39 Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Bourne Legacy - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win this is what you don ’ t know Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Matrix - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win The Outline Method for Learning

40 Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Bourne Legacy - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win flip back overlook up the missing info Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Matrix - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Bourne Legacy - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win The Outline Method for Learning

41 Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Bourne Legacy - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win fill in these parts Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Matrix - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Bourne Legacy - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win The Outline Method for Learning

42 Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Bourne Legacy - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win make sure you understand Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Matrix - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Bourne Legacy - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win The Outline Method for Learning

43 Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Bourne Legacy - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win turn the paper overtry again to reproduce outline Why I love Biology 1. it is fun I understand me I know my dog better 2. I can get any job I want I can do research I can work in a zoo I can become a superhero 3. In movies, knowledge is key Bourne Legacy - blue pill Hunger Games - find water Harry Potter - spells win The Outline Method for Learning

44 Note Taking Titles Subtitles Bold Italics Pictures and Illustrations Tables and Graphs Footnotes

45 Three Keys to Success in College 1. Ask for help when you are frustrated or don ’ t know how to find answers. 2. Read ahead the first week. This is a huge help come week 4. 3. Learn how to study effectively - time is the limiting factor. Free advice: what will you do with it?

46 What you need to do if you keep this class. shortcut for web page: buy 3 ” 3-ring binder, textbook at College Store on Main Street (at cost) read syllabus, print reading schedule & lab schedule take VARK test and send me your scores (link from syllabus) take CATME calibration survey for lab (email sent to you; link from lab page) take pre-course survey (link in reading schedule) read before you come to class on Wednesday come prepared to lab on Thursday (download lab manual and wear shoes)

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