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Ethics and Accountability  Ethics in public administration: definitions the concept of responsibility moral guidance ethical organizations  Accountability.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethics and Accountability  Ethics in public administration: definitions the concept of responsibility moral guidance ethical organizations  Accountability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethics and Accountability  Ethics in public administration: definitions the concept of responsibility moral guidance ethical organizations  Accountability in public administration

2 Ethics: Definitions  Ethics is concerned about WHAT IS RIGHT, just, fair, or good, about what we ought to do  Ethics is the DISCOVERY AND APPLICATION OF MORAL STANDARDS to the conduct of officials  The normative standards of conduct derived from the PHILOSOPHICAL AND RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS of society

3 Ethics and Public Administration  The politics-administration DICHOTOMY  Public administrators are/should be neutral, efficient implementers of laws and policies adopted by elected officials

4 According to Max Weber:  when a public administrator is confronted with a demand by their political superiors they personally disagree with, the administrator should first confront his superior with objections. If this does not result in a change of policy, it is not only the duty, but even the HONOR of the administrator to act in accordance with his superiors’ demands.

5 Cont’d  naaukdnik&feature=related naaukdnik&feature=related

6 Cont’d  Guerilla Employees  Employees who act against the wishes of their superiors  See Rosemary O’Leary article in Public Administration Review.

7 Administrative Discretion  The statement fails to address the role of DISCRETION in public administration  Administrative discretion raises the question of RESPONSIBILITY  how to make sure that they will use their discretion responsibly?

8 Responsibility as the foundation for ethics  Responsible to whom?  Citizens, laws, Constitution, family, future generations, political supervisors, employees, peers, organizational superiors, the poor, the profession, etc.  Conflict of responsibilities, possible in particular situations

9 Cont’d  Ethical dilemmas emerge when public administrators encounter situations in which there are no clear-cut solutions  There is a conflict of responsibilities  They need a decision-making framework, which will help them to address and resolve ethical dilemmas

10 We need moral guidance, so where is that?  Constitution (read the US Constitution, read the Supreme Court decisions, understand regime values)  Religion (e.g., Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and more)  Philosophy (study philosophical traditions)

11 Cont’d  Intuitionism  Deontology (principles)  Utilitarianism (consequentialism)  Virtue theory

12 Ethical Decision Framework  The Descriptive Task  Defining the Ethical Issue  Identifying Alternative Courses of Action  Projecting the Probable Consequences of each alternative  Finding A Solution

13 Purpose:  Finding a solution that will strike a balance between principled reasoning and emotional comfort  Should be based on sound reasons (rational) and give emotional satisfaction to the person who makes the decision  pjSMc&feature=related pjSMc&feature=related

14 How to create ethical organizations?  Codes of Ethics  ces/Code_of_Ethics/ASPA/Resources/Code %20of%20Ethics1.aspx?hkey=acd40318- a945-4ffc-ba7b-18e037b1a858 ces/Code_of_Ethics/ASPA/Resources/Code %20of%20Ethics1.aspx?hkey=acd40318- a945-4ffc-ba7b-18e037b1a858

15 Cont’d  Ethics training  Financial disclosure requirement for public employees  Creating ethics boards or commissions  Encouraging whistle blowing  Creating role models for employees (ethics leadership, ethics enforcement)

16 When it comes to organizational ethics  There are three factors important in order to promote ethical behavior in organizations  The two are under our control  INCENTIVES (inducements for ethical behavior) and RISK (the risk of being caught on unethical behavior)

17 One factor that is not under our control is  HONESTY  In the end, it is the PEOPLE who will make a real difference  By studying and learning ethics, we develop awareness and skills in dealing with ethical dilemmas  Yet, it is, in the end, up to us to behave ethically or unethically.

18 Accountability in public administration?  Legislative oversight (hearings, casework)  Clear, detailed legislation that limits public administrators’ discretion  Judicial review process to check on administrative discretion  Increasing transparency, and citizen involvement in public administration

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