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Quark Distributions Nuclear Effect in the K-factor non-constancy Zhao-yu Hou Shijiazhuang Railway College Gui Lin 2006. 10. 31.

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Presentation on theme: "Quark Distributions Nuclear Effect in the K-factor non-constancy Zhao-yu Hou Shijiazhuang Railway College Gui Lin 2006. 10. 31."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quark Distributions Nuclear Effect in the K-factor non-constancy Zhao-yu Hou Shijiazhuang Railway College Gui Lin 2006. 10. 31

2 Abstract Abstract Considering K-factor non-constancy, we can establish mathematical plan to solve valence quark distributions and sea quark distributions nuclear effects functions and from experiments data of high energy h -A Drell-Yan process and the high energy l -A deep inelastic scattering process. Considering K-factor non-constancy, we can establish mathematical plan to solve valence quark distributions and sea quark distributions nuclear effects functions and from experiments data of high energy h -A Drell-Yan process and the high energy l -A deep inelastic scattering process.

3 Introduction Introduction The Nucleon Structure Function Ratio in DIS The Nucleon Structure Function Ratio in DIS Drell-Yan Cross Section Ratio Drell-Yan Cross Section Ratio Affection of QCD Non-Perturbation Effect to the Quark Discussion Affection of QCD Non-Perturbation Effect to the Quark Discussion Nuclear Binding Energy Effect to the Quark Discussion Nuclear Binding Energy Effect to the Quark Discussion Result and Discussion Result and Discussion outline

4 1. Introduction In the wake of the development of quark-parton model study, Drell-Yan process, like DIS, has been profoundly used to investigate nucleon structure and certain important nuclear features such as quark distributions. In the wake of the development of quark-parton model study, Drell-Yan process, like DIS, has been profoundly used to investigate nucleon structure and certain important nuclear features such as quark distributions. Especially our effort shonld be aimed at to extracting nuclear effect from available data of experimental information. Especially our effort shonld be aimed at to extracting nuclear effect from available data of experimental information.

5 The first explained high energy h and nucleon A collision process within the framework of the quark-parton model

6 2. The Nucleon Structure Function Ratio in DIS

7 In the above equation, the F is the deuteron structure function. Usually, the ratio

8 of the DIS data for C/D, Ca/D and Fe/D

9 3. Drell-Yan Cross Section Ratio


11 After some parameterization disposal, the integral cross- section ratios of p -A and p -D in Drell-Yan collision process is defined as

12 of the Drell-Yan data for C/2H, Ca/2H and Fe/2H



15 Result

16 4. Affection of QCD Non-Perturbation Effect to the Quark Discussion



19 5. Nuclear Binding Energy Effect to the Quark Discussion [1] P. Vogel, Nucl. Phys., 2000, A662: 148. [2] Hiroyuki Koura, Masahiro Uno, Takahiro Tachibana, Masami Yamada, Nucl. Phys., 2000, A674 : 47.

20 Nuclear Binding Energy Effect to the ValenceQuark Discussion Nuclear Binding Energy Effect to the Valence Quark Discussion


22 Nuclear Binding Energy Effect to the Sea Quark Discussion


24 6. Result and Discussion Numerical results of Rv (x ₂ ) have been obtained as shown in Fig. From Fig. it appears to show that the nuclear effect of value quark distribution and that of sea quark are quite different. In the whole calculation region, Rs(x ₂ ) decreases as x ₂ increases. At the position x ₂ =0.05 the value of Rv (x ₂ ) is very large, that is, valence quark distribution in the bound nucleon of nucleus is much greater than that for the case of free nucleon. With the increase of x ₂, and untill x ₂ =0.3, Rv (x ₂ ) approaches to 1, namely, the valence quark distribution in the bound nucleon of nucleus changes into the same as in free nucleon. Numerical results of Rv (x ₂ ) have been obtained as shown in Fig. From Fig. it appears to show that the nuclear effect of value quark distribution and that of sea quark are quite different. In the whole calculation region, Rs(x ₂ ) decreases as x ₂ increases. At the position x ₂ =0.05 the value of Rv (x ₂ ) is very large, that is, valence quark distribution in the bound nucleon of nucleus is much greater than that for the case of free nucleon. With the increase of x ₂, and untill x ₂ =0.3, Rv (x ₂ ) approaches to 1, namely, the valence quark distribution in the bound nucleon of nucleus changes into the same as in free nucleon.

25 As for Rs (x ₂ ) it is always less than 1 when x ₂ ≤0.3 and approaches to zero at the position x ₂ =0.05, that is, in the region x ₂ ≤0.3, the sea quark distributions in bound nucleon of nucleus are always below the sea quark distribution in free nucleon. The variation of Rv (x ₂ ) for the three nuclei is that Fe>Ca>C, which shows that quark distribution induced nuclear effect in C, Ca and Fe are slightly different. As for Rs (x ₂ ) it is always less than 1 when x ₂ ≤0.3 and approaches to zero at the position x ₂ =0.05, that is, in the region x ₂ ≤0.3, the sea quark distributions in bound nucleon of nucleus are always below the sea quark distribution in free nucleon. The variation of Rv (x ₂ ) for the three nuclei is that Fe>Ca>C, which shows that quark distribution induced nuclear effect in C, Ca and Fe are slightly different.

26 About K-Factor ’ s Non-Constancy


28 [1] W. Zhu, L. Qian, J. G. Shen. Phys. Rev., 1991, D44: 2762. [1] W. Zhu, L. Qian, J. G. Shen. Phys. Rev., 1991, D44: 2762. [2] Liu Chun-Xiu, He Zhen-Min, Duan Chun-Gui and Peng HongAn, High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics, 2000, 24: 131. [2] Liu Chun-Xiu, He Zhen-Min, Duan Chun-Gui and Peng HongAn, High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics, 2000, 24: 131. [3] Hou Zhao-Yu, Zheng Qiao, Duan Chun-Gui, Zhang Ben- Ai, Commun. Theor. Phys., 2000, 34: 377. [3] Hou Zhao-Yu, Zheng Qiao, Duan Chun-Gui, Zhang Ben- Ai, Commun. Theor. Phys., 2000, 34: 377. [4] Hou Zhao-Yu, Zheng Qiao, Zhang Ben-Ai, Chin. Phys. Lett., 2002, 19: 488. [4] Hou Zhao-Yu, Zheng Qiao, Zhang Ben-Ai, Chin. Phys. Lett., 2002, 19: 488. [5] Hou Zhao-Yu, Zheng Qiao, Zhang Ben-Ai, High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics, 2002, 26: 364. [5] Hou Zhao-Yu, Zheng Qiao, Zhang Ben-Ai, High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics, 2002, 26: 364. [6] Hou Zhao-Yu, Zhi Hai-Su, Commun. Theor. Phys., 2006, 45: 517-520. [6] Hou Zhao-Yu, Zhi Hai-Su, Commun. Theor. Phys., 2006, 45: 517-520. About K-Factor ’ s Non-Constancy

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