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Chapter-9 The Behavior of Fluids. Outline 1 Pressure, Hydraulics, and Pascal’s Principle 2 Atmospheric Pressure and the Behavior of Gases 3 Archimedes’

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter-9 The Behavior of Fluids. Outline 1 Pressure, Hydraulics, and Pascal’s Principle 2 Atmospheric Pressure and the Behavior of Gases 3 Archimedes’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter-9 The Behavior of Fluids

2 Outline 1 Pressure, Hydraulics, and Pascal’s Principle 2 Atmospheric Pressure and the Behavior of Gases 3 Archimedes’ Principle 4 Fluids in Motion 5 Bernoulli’s Principle Everyday Phenomenon: Throwing a Curve Ball

3 A steel boat floats, but a piece of metal sinks. Why?

4 Fluids Fluids are materials that can flow, gases and liquids. Air is the most common gas, and moves from place to place as wind. Water is the most familiar liquid.

5 Pressure

6 Tire Pressure People who have fixed a flat tire know something about pressure. In colliding with the inner walls of the tire, the air molecules (blue dots) exert a force on every part of the wall surface.

7 Pressure The pressure P exerted by a fluid is defined as the magnitude F of the force acting perpendicular to a surface divided by the area A over which the force acts: The SI unit for pressure: newton/meter 2 = (N/m 2 ) = pascal (Pa).

8 Area of a square

9 Area of a rectangle Length Width Area = Length x Width.

10 Area of a circle d Area =  r 2, d = diameter = 2r.

11 Pressure acts everywhere

12 Pressure Acts Everywhere

13 Pascal's Principle Any change in the pressure applied to a completely enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to all parts of the fluid and the enclosing walls.

14 Hydraulic Jack

15 Car Lift

16 Hydraulic Car Lift

17 E5

18 Atmospheric Pressure Atmospheric pressure at sea level is 1.013 × 10 5 Pa, which is sufficient to crumple a can if the inside air is pumped out.

19 Mercury Barometer At sea level, Height of mercury = h = 76 cm. Atmospheric pressure = 76 cm of Hg. (76 cm = 760 mm = 29.9 inch)

20 Variations in atmospheric pressure

21 Density of air decreases as the altitude increases

22 9.3Archimedes’ Principle Archimedes of Syracuse (287BC-212BC) Much of Archimedes fame comes from his relationship with Hiero, the king of Syracuse, and Gelon, Hiero's son. At one time, the king ordered a gold crown and gave the goldsmith the exact amount of gold to make it. When Hiero received it, the crown had the correct weight but the monarch suspected that some silver had been used instead of the gold. Since he could not prove it, he brought the problem to Archimedes.

23 Eureka One day while considering the question, "the wise one" entered his bathtub and recognized that the amount of water that overflowed the tub was proportional the amount of his body that was submerged. This observation is now known as Archimedes' Principle and gave him the means to solve the problem. He was so excited that he ran naked through the streets of Syracuse shouting "Eureka! eureka!" (I have found it!). The fraudulent goldsmith was brought to justice.

24 Buoyant Force

25 Viscosity A measure of the frictional forces between the layers of a fluid producing resistance to flow. Highly viscous fluids flow slowly.

26 The velocity increases rapidly from the wall inward for a low- viscosity fluid but more gradually for a high-viscosity fluid

27 Laminar and Turbulent flow

28 9.5 Bernoulli’s Principle For steady flow, the speed, pressure, and elevation of an incompressible and nonviscous fluid are related by an equation discovered by Daniel Bernoulli (1700–1782). The sum of the pressure plus the kinetic energy per unit volume of a flowing fluid must remain constant.

29 The pressure of a moving fluid is greater when the fluid velocity is smaller.

30 Demonstrating Bernoulli’s Principle

31 Lift on an airplane wing

32 Airplane

33 A batter is fooled by a curveball

34 Spinning Baseball

35 Curveball Pitch

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