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Careers in the Printing Industry Why is it important to communicate?

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Presentation on theme: "Careers in the Printing Industry Why is it important to communicate?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Careers in the Printing Industry Why is it important to communicate?

2 Objectives  Understand the development of written communication  Create your own symbol alphabet

3 What is the single most significant development in the human history? PPrinting

4 Development of Pictographs  Drawings that carry meaning because they look like real objects are  1200 BC- The Phoenicians realized it was to hard to depict abstract ideas like love and hate using pictographs.  They attempted to streamline the process, but the alpha still looked like an ox and beth still looked like house. pictographs.

5 Examples of Pictographs

6 Development of Ideographs  Simple drawings that symbolize ideas or concepts rather than concrete objects are called  The Phoenicians developed this as well. ideographs.

7 Example of Ideographs

8 Development of Phonetic Symbols  The idea of representing sounds by symbols is known as the system and is the basis for most modern languages. phonetic symbol

9 Development of our alphabet

10 Assignment 1 Given paper and drawing instruments, write 10 sentences using a symbol method discussed in the lecture. When the assignment is completed, fill out the self- evaluation sheet & turn both products into your folder. Score a 70% or higher on the finished product.

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