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WHAT IS A CELL? (pro vs. eu) CHALLENGE: What are the similarities and differences between PROKARYOTIC and EUKARYOTIC cells?

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS A CELL? (pro vs. eu) CHALLENGE: What are the similarities and differences between PROKARYOTIC and EUKARYOTIC cells?"— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT IS A CELL? (pro vs. eu) CHALLENGE: What are the similarities and differences between PROKARYOTIC and EUKARYOTIC cells?

2 Pre-lab Reflections On the scratch paper provided, draw what you remember about cells to the best of your ability. Include labels and functions, if possible. Collaborate with your table partner to come up with a thorough vision (labels and functions included) of a cell. Sketch your vision in your lab notebook.

3 Microscope Protocol Have the arm of the microscope facing you. Clean off the eyepiece, stage glass and objectives with lens paper before beginning. Always start on low power. Course focus, then fine focus. Put what you’re observing in the center of the field of view before moving up to medium power. Click the medium power objective into place. Fine focus. Center the specimen. Click the high power objective into place. Fine focus.

4 Microscope Sketches Pencil sketches only, please. Use of colored pencil to enhance your sketches is optional. Use the circle makers to outline each sketch. ALL SKETCHES are within a circle!!

5 Prokaryotic Cells vs. Eukaryotic Cells Be super careful with the prepared slides!! Observe the Bacillus bacteria. You’ll need to be on high power to see these cells. Observe the Coccus bacteria. You’ll need to be on high power to see these cells. Make separate drawings of each type of bacterial cell. In your drawing have at least two or three of each type of bacterial cell. Label your drawing (what it is AND any structures you see). Comment on the SIZE of these cells.

6 Prokaryotic Cells vs. Eukaryotic Cells Be super careful with the prepared slides!! Observe the animal sperm cell slide. Make careful drawings of several cells. Use the circle makers to contain your sketches. Label your drawing. (what it is AND any structures you see). Comment on the SIZE of these cells.

7 Analysis Questions 1. What structures or features are common to all the cells you saw in lab? 2. In looking at a slide of a “mystery” cell, how might you quickly determine that it is a bacterial cell? 3. Bacteria are PROKARYOTES. What characterizes prokaryotic cells? 4. Animals (protists, plants and fungi too!) are EUKARYOTES. What characterizes eukaryotic cells? 5. Prokaryotic cells can be thought of as a studio apartment while eukaryotic cells can be thought of as a mansion. Explain this analogy. Include a sketch!

8 Importance of Bacteria Pathogens Decomposers Nitrogen fixing ◦turn atmospheric nitrogen to a form available to plants Photosynthesis ◦some are photosynthetic - low on food chain; produce O 2 Food production ◦Yogurt, sour cream, buttermilk, etc. Bioremediation ◦Use bacteria to clean up oil spills, for example Medicine production Genetic modification Help us digest our food!

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