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Q4 Sales Training Webinar: Political Advertising Featuring Special Guest, Pat McGee, SVP, Political Strategies - Katz.

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Presentation on theme: "Q4 Sales Training Webinar: Political Advertising Featuring Special Guest, Pat McGee, SVP, Political Strategies - Katz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Q4 Sales Training Webinar: Political Advertising Featuring Special Guest, Pat McGee, SVP, Political Strategies - Katz

2 Welcome Pat McGee Pat McGee SVP, Political Strategies Director of Sales, Katz Digital Group Manager Katz Radio Group  Pat started at Katz TV  2002 Deputy Political Director for Congressional Race  2005 Re-joined Katz to run Eastman/Philadelphia  2011 became VP of Katz Political Sales and Strategy  2014 Became SVP of Political Strategies

3 Mapping the Political Landscape  Quantify various districts in play in 2016  Identify incumbents up for re-election- Senate, congress, gubernatorial, state house, state senate, etc.  Websites available to assist  Best way to approach, etc Political Strategy

4  Importance of establishing interactions/relationships with each incumbents constituents service offices- those on the elected officials team assigned for interacting with the community  Ways we can begin branding Alpha with these incumbents NOW  Best material to discuss with the campaigns  What’s important to them  Best way to track and penetrate “challenger” campaigns  When they typically declare Establishing Relationships

5 Interacting with the Incumbents  Ways Alpha stations could begin to interact with these incumbents  Probably at least 4-5 months away from being able to do this with challengers.  For the next 3 months or so, we do the pre-selling before the avail comes down in Jan-Feb 2016  Take action to develop the relationship before the $$ are being spent

6 Questions?

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