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Chapter 23 The First Law of Thermodynamics. Thermal Physics Macroscopic Microscopic The Diffusion The Viscous The Transfer of Heat Exchange molecule T.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 23 The First Law of Thermodynamics. Thermal Physics Macroscopic Microscopic The Diffusion The Viscous The Transfer of Heat Exchange molecule T."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 23 The First Law of Thermodynamics

2 Thermal Physics Macroscopic Microscopic The Diffusion The Viscous The Transfer of Heat Exchange molecule T A A T B B Q

3 The Transfer of Heat T A < T B Thermal Conducting T A A T B B Q


5 Work done on a system by external forces System K, U Mechanical Energy The first law of thermodynamics state functions as T, p, V heat and work notprocess

6 The first law of thermodynamics Process Initial State Final State

7 The first law of thermodynamics Process Initial State Final State

8 Heat Capacity Specific Heat

9 T Q added to water water temp rises water changes to steam (boils) steam temp rises 100 o C Pressure keeps at 1 atm Latent Heat  Heat needed to add to or remove from a substance to change the state of it: The Ideal Gas

10 Kinetic energy

11 Monatomic Molecule

12 Diatomic Molecule Equipartition of Energy Theorem: When the number of molecules is large, the average energy per molecule is kT/2 for each independent degree of freedom.

13 After Collision Reducing Translation Motion Increasing Rotational Motion

14 After Collision Reducing Rotational Motion Increasing Translation Motion Finally Rotational Motion = Translation Motion

15 polyatomic Molecule

16 Molecule in Solid

17 polyatomic Molecule Diatomic Molecule Monatomic Molecule

18 Molar Heat Capacity of Solid Molar Heat Capacity T Aluminum Lead 0

19 Ideal Gas

20 Constant Volume

21 Ideal Gas Constant Volume

22 Ideal Gas Constant temperature

23 Example


25 Polyatomic Molecule Diatomic Molecule Monatomic Molecule The Internal Energy of an Ideal Gas

26 Constant Volume The Molar Heat Capacity of an Ideal Gas Monatomic Molecule Diatomic MoleculePolyatomic Molecule

27 Constant Pressure The Molar Heat Capacity of an Ideal Gas Monatomic Molecule Diatomic Molecule

28 Constant Pressure The Molar Heat Capacity of an Ideal Gas Monatomic MoleculeDiatomic Molecule Polyatomic Molecule

29 CHAP. 23 Exercises P540 11, 19, 21 P541 24, 25

30 The Molar Heat Capacity of an Ideal Gas Monatomic Molecule Diatomic Molecule Polyatomic Molecule

31 The Molar Heat Capacity of an Ideal Gas R: molar gas constant

32 Work Done in adiabatic process


34 Adiabatic process Constant temperature

35 p reduces quickly in thermal Isolation The first law of thermodynamics p is lower in thermal Isolation Adiabatic process Constant temperature Thermal Isolation (adiabatic process)

36 The first law of thermodynamics Process Initial State Final State The Ideal Gas

37 Constant Volume Process Constant Pressure Process Constant Temperatu re Process adiabatic process Constant Volume Constant Pressure

38 a b p p/2 V/2 V

39 Cyclical process

40 Heat Engine

41 Thermal Efficiency

42 Example Thermal Efficiency?

43 Example Thermal Efficiency?

44 Example Thermal Efficiency?

45 Example Constant Temperature Thermal Isolation Constant Temperature Thermal Isolation Thermal Efficiency? The Carnot Cycle The Carnot Engine

46 Q2Q2 W Q1Q1 T1T1 T2T2 Refrigerator Q2Q2 W T2T2 Q1Q1 T1T1

47 Q2Q2 W T2T2 Q1Q1 T1T1 TXTX Q TXTX Q

48 Q T1T1 T2T2 Q T1T1 T2T2 Irreversible Process Q2Q2 W T2T2 Q1Q1 T1T1

49 Work Done in Thermal Isolation Change of the state Free Expansion Nonequilibrium Process reversible Irreversible


51 The first law of thermodynamics Process Initial State Final State reversibleIrreversible The second law of thermodynamics

52 CHAP.23 Exercises P542 40, 45, 46 CHAP.24 Exercises P564 21, 22

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