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Target Situation Analysis

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1 Target Situation Analysis
Need Analysis

2 Why do these learners need to learn English?
What distinguishes ESP from General English is not the existence of a need but rather an awareness of the need.

3 If the learners, teachers, sponsors know why the learners need to learn English, that awareness will have influence on what will be acceptable as reasonable content in the language course, and, on the positive side, what potential can be exploited.

4 Target Needs (what the learner needs to do in the target situation)
Target situation in terms of necessities, lacks, and wants.

5 Necessities (what the learner has to know in order to function effectively in the target situation.) E.g a businessman/ woman might need to understand business letters, to communicate effectively at sales conference, to get the necessary information from sales catalogue, and so on. He/she will presumably also need to know the linguistic features –discoursal, functional, Structural, lexical – which are commonly used in the situation identified. (this information is relatively easy to gather, it is a matter of observing and then analysing the constituents part of them.

6 Example of the procedure adapted from Munby (1978)

7 Lacks To identify necessities alone is not enough, since the concern of ESP is with the needs of particular learners. We also need to know : what the learner knows already, so you can then decide which of the necessities of the learners lacks.

8 One target situation necessity might be to read texts in a particular subject area.
Whether or not the learners need instruction in doing thiw will depend on how well they can do it already. The target proficiency needs to be matched against the existing proficiency of the learners. (this gap referred to the learner’s lacks, _Hutchinson,Waters, and Breen)

9 Wants “... A need does not exist independent of a person. It is people who build their images of their needs on the basis of data relating to themselves and their environment” (Richterich, 1984.p.29)

10 A target situation analysis framework
TSA concerns with language use. Analysis of the target situation can tell us what the people do with the language. TSA analyses your own learners’ needs. This simple framework below outlines kind of information that the course designer needs to gather from an analysis of target needs.

11 A target situation analysis framework
2. How will the language be used? 1. Why is the language needed? A) for study? B) for work? C) for training D) for a combination of these? E) for some other purposes, e.g status, examination, promotion. -medium:speaking, writing, reading, etc Channel: e.g, telephone, face to face, etc Types of text or discourse:e.g academic texts, lectures, informal conversations, technical manuals, catalogues.

12 Subejct: e.g, medicine, architecture, shipping, commerce, engineering.
4. Who will the learner use the language with? 3. What will the content areas be? Subejct: e.g, medicine, architecture, shipping, commerce, engineering. Level: e.g, technician, craftsman, postgraduate, secondary school. Native speakers or non native speakers. Level of knowledge of receiver: e.g, expert, student Relationship: e.g. Colleague, costumer, superior, subordinate.

13 5. Where will the language be used?
6. When will the language be used? Physical setting: e.g, office, lecture theatre, hotel, workshop, library. Human context: e.g. Alone, meetings, demonstrations, or telephone. Linguistics context: e.g in won country, abroad Concurrently with the ESP course or subsequently. Frequently, seldom,in small amounts, in large chuncks.

14 Learning Needs (What the learner needs to do in order to learn)
Analyse your own teaching/learning situation

15 A framework for analysing learning needs
1. Why are the learners taking the course? 2. How do the learners learn Compulsory or optional Apparent need or not Are status , money, promotion involved? What do learners think they will achive? What is their attitude towards the ESP course?Do they want to improve their English or do they resent the time they have to spend on it? What is their learning background? What is their concept of teaching and learning? What methodology will appeal to them? What sort of techniques are likely to bore/alienate them?

16 Number and professional competence of teachers?
3. What resources are available? 4. Who are the learners? Number and professional competence of teachers? Attitude of teachers to ESP Teacher’s knowledge of and attitude to the subject content; material; aids Opportunities for out of class activities. Age/sex/nationality What do they already know about English? What subjcet knowledge do they have? What are their interest? What is their socio cultural background? What teaching style are they used to? What is their attitude to English or to culture of the English speaking world?

17 Are surrounding pleasant, dull, noisy etc? Time of day
Where will the ESP course take place? When will the ESP course take place? Are surrounding pleasant, dull, noisy etc? Time of day Every day/ once a week Full time/ part time Concurrent with need or pre- need.

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