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1 ICTP 27/05/02 How can extremism prevail ? A study based on the Relative agreement model G. Deffuant, G. Weisbuch, F. Amblard, T. Faure.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ICTP 27/05/02 How can extremism prevail ? A study based on the Relative agreement model G. Deffuant, G. Weisbuch, F. Amblard, T. Faure."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ICTP 27/05/02 How can extremism prevail ? A study based on the Relative agreement model G. Deffuant, G. Weisbuch, F. Amblard, T. Faure

2 ICTP 27/05/02 Influence of extremists The extremists win : –Majority to one extreme (Germany in the thirties, islamic revolution…) –Bipolarisation (affaire Dreyfus, religion wars…) The extremists remain marginal

3 ICTP 27/05/02 Bounded confidence An opinion x has an uncertainty u. First model : all agents have the same uncertainty if : then : No dynamics on the uncertainty

4 ICTP 27/05/02 [w/2u]=1[w/2u]=2 nb attractors approximately the integer part of w/2u With a uniform distribution of the opinions of width w

5 ICTP 27/05/02 New model with dynamics of uncertainties Give more influence to more confident agents Avoid the discontinuity of the influence when the difference of opinions grows Explore the influence of extremists

6 ICTP 27/05/02 Relative agreement j i h ij h ij -u i xjxj xixi Relative agreement :

7 ICTP 27/05/02 The modification of the opinion and the uncertainty are proportional to the relative agreement : if  More certain agents are more influential Relative agreement dynamics

8 ICTP 27/05/02 Variation of the relative agreement xjxj x j + u j x j - u j xixi u i < u j u i > u j 1 u i > 2u j (i influences j)

9 ICTP 27/05/02 Same uncertainty for all agents (0.5)

10 ICTP 27/05/02 Same uncertainty for all agents

11 ICTP 27/05/02 Population with extremists u x -1 +1+1 U : initial uncertainty of moderate agents ue : initial uncertainty of extremists pe : initial proportion of extemists  : bias between positive and negative extremists

12 ICTP 27/05/02 Central convergence (U=0.4, pe=0.2)

13 ICTP 27/05/02 Both extremes convergence (U=1.4, pe=0.2)

14 ICTP 27/05/02 Single extreme convergence (U=1.4, pe=0.05)

15 ICTP 27/05/02 Convergence indicator p’ + and p’ - are the proportion of initially moderate agents which were attracted to the extreme opinion regions y = p’ + 2 + p’ - 2 central convergence : y close to 0 both extreme convergence : y close to 0.5 single extreme convergence : y close to 1

16 ICTP 27/05/02 Exploration of the parameter space

17 ICTP 27/05/02




21 Conclusion In the model, the convergence to the extremes takes place : –when the initially moderate agents hare very uncertain –by the action of the medium opinion attracted by the extremes The convergence to a single extreme occurs when the uncertainty is even higher, and results of fluctuations of medium opinion agents

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