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KEY CHALLENGES IN THE DISTRICTS TANZANIA.  More than 80% Depend on agriculture and Livestock for Livelihood majority are agro- pastoralists.  The rest.

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Presentation on theme: "KEY CHALLENGES IN THE DISTRICTS TANZANIA.  More than 80% Depend on agriculture and Livestock for Livelihood majority are agro- pastoralists.  The rest."— Presentation transcript:


2  More than 80% Depend on agriculture and Livestock for Livelihood majority are agro- pastoralists.  The rest earn living on small business and on employment

3  Poor soil fertility due to continuous cropping without soil nutrient replenishment.  Inadequate availability/access of improved seed to famers.  High prices of improved seeds

4  Drought/Moisture stress/erratic rainfall  Insect pest infestation and disease infestation.  Weak linkage between research – extension – farmers  Lack of farmers networking.

5  Weak extension services  Inadequate agro processing industry.  Inadequate agro mechanization tools and equipments  Lack of non tradition crop seeds esp spicies eg; garlic.  Inadequate knowledge/information on nutrition aspect.



8  Unavailability of improved breeds.  Overstocking.  Lack of improved pasture seeds.  Pest and diseases.

9  Escalating conflict between livestock keepers and farmers.(land use plan/destocking)  Inadequate livestock infrastructure: eg:  Vet center  Animal Dips  Livestock market.  Inadequate water for livestock  Inadequate agro processing industry.


11  Weak co-operative societies.  Poor market linkage  Weak market information  Poor feeder roads

12  Inadequate managements skills on how to operate the societies  Lack of farm management planning and tools  Limited financial institutions in rural areas.


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