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University of Turin Doctoral School in Neuroscience 1. The Secretariat Office 1.1 What 1.2 Why 1.3 Where 1.4 When 2. What you need to know 2.1 Missions.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Turin Doctoral School in Neuroscience 1. The Secretariat Office 1.1 What 1.2 Why 1.3 Where 1.4 When 2. What you need to know 2.1 Missions."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Turin Doctoral School in Neuroscience 1. The Secretariat Office 1.1 What 1.2 Why 1.3 Where 1.4 When 2. What you need to know 2.1 Missions 2.2.Use of School funds 2.3 Pregnancy 2.4 Final report 2.5 Thesis 2.6 Access to the School website 2.7 University e-mail address

2 1. The Secretariat Office WHAT ? The Secretariat Office of the School is intended to make communication easier between our students and the institutional bodies of the School (the School Head, the School Teaching Body) and the central administration offices.

3 1. The Secretariat Office WHY ? You can address the Secretariat Office when you need to hand over forms requiring the School Heads signature, when you intend to use the School funds, for getting information on learning activities and… whenever you don t know where to ask.

4 1. The Secretariat Office WHERE ? The Secretariat Office of the Doctoral School in Neuroscience is located at the Department of Biologia Animale e dellUomo, Via Accademia Albertina 13, Torino.

5 1. The Secretariat Office WHEN ? It is open from Monday trough Wednesday, from 9.30. to 12.30. at any time by sending an email to the following address:

6 2. What you need to know 2.1 Missions a. Must be authorized by the Tutor and the School Head. Once signed by your Tutor, permissions can be sent to the School Secretariat via fax (011/670.45.08). All forms are available on the School website: b. Missions longer than six months: must be authorized by the School Teaching Body.

7 2.2 Missions abroad c. For students receiving a scholarship: from Unito: to get the scholarship increase (maggiorazione): i. - form signed by the School Head for Ufficio Dottorati ii. - every two months: continuity statement (dichiarazione di continuità) - to be signed by the School Head - once come back: statement of return from abroad (dichiarazione di rientro dallestero) - to be signed by the School Head i. for scholarships paid by other bodies: refer to your department In order to get maggiorazione the mission abroad must be at least 3 weeks long.

8 2.2 Use of School Funds School funds can be used under the form of reimbursement and are compatible with maggiorazione Sum available: 600,00 Euro in four years (to be comfirmed): 1st year: max 300,00 Euro Your Tutor must agree. Send your request indicating a budget and the reason. If the School Head agrees - before leaving use form for DBAU (manager of our School funds); - when you come back provide the Secretariat Office with: i. Request of reimbursement; ii. Mission report iii. Vouchers, train/flight tickets

9 2.3 Pregnancy Inform your Tutor as quickly as possible. Contact Ufficio Dottorati (Dr.ssa Muci, phone n. 011/670.43.88) to know which procedures relating to your safety and your maternity leave you must follow.

10 2.4 Learning Activities Regolamento Annual Programme Reports: Annual report:- Usually to be handed in in October; - Must be: - written in English; - 3-4 folders* lenght; - signed by your Tutor; - sent to the School Head. - An electronic copy is also requested. Final Report: - must be handed in 6 months before thesis discussion *Unity of measurement equal to: 1800 strokes, divided into 30 lines, every line 60 strokes.

11 2.5 Thesis Number of thesis to be sent: one for each Member of the Commission, one for the School Head along with an electronic copy and the CDs requested by Ufficio Dottorati.

12 2.6 Access to the School website Our students can enter the School website at this address: Login: _immatriculation number Password (to be changed): neuro

13 2.7 University e-mail address Students can login on the homepage of the University of Turin:, Login – MyUnito (above, on the right) ( if you search for information about your position as a student - data to be updated) or, Servizi online (second box on the right), Webmail studenti

14 Username: immatriculation number or nome.cognome (name.surname) - for students never immatriculated in Turin before Password: the default one is your date off birth in the format dd/mm/yyyy

15 For any problems arising with the use of the e-mail : contact the phone number: 011/670.55.55 or send an e-mail to:

16 Have a nice stay at our School !

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