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The Processes and Pitfalls to Adopting CRM. 2 Context JISC Relationship Management Programme elationshipmanagement.aspx.

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Presentation on theme: "The Processes and Pitfalls to Adopting CRM. 2 Context JISC Relationship Management Programme elationshipmanagement.aspx."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Processes and Pitfalls to Adopting CRM

2 2 Context JISC Relationship Management Programme elationshipmanagement.aspx elationshipmanagement.aspx July 2009-April 2010 Two strands, plus SAS: CRM – 13 projects SLRM (Student Lifecycle Relationship Management) – 7 projects JISC CETIS RMSAS (Relationship Management Support, Analysis & Synthesis) Project BCE (Business & Community Engagement)

3 3 Processes: Self Analysis Framework SAF (Self Analysis Framework) Sections include: What is CRM? The needs of HEIs and FECs Who are your customers? Where are you now? Are you ready for change? Process mapping Which CRM?

4 4 Processes: Information Gathering Various methods To: Find out how a process works Find out who does what Identify needs and BI requirements Foster support Warning: This will take much, much longer than expected!

5 5 Processes: Modelling Model the current “as is” state Communication tool Only model as much as you need Don’t forget to stop

6 6 act-management-process-notes-map2.pdf

7 7 Pitfalls: Key Challenges 1: Buy-in Shared vision CRM strategy 2: Cultural change Data sharing (big issue) Fears Understanding Warning: The amount of buy-in may affect the success of the CRM approach

8 8 Pitfalls: Other Considerations Cleanliness of data Staff training Procedures and protocols Access levels Don’t fit the process around the system One size doesn’t necessarily fit all Suitability of current systems Keep up the momentum!

9 9 Further Information Synthesis Report JISC CETIS Relationship Management management management Twitter tag #rminhe#rminhe Contact: Sharon Perry,

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