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Operant Conditioning The Learner is NOT passive. Learning based on consequence!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Operant Conditioning The Learner is NOT passive. Learning based on consequence!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Operant Conditioning The Learner is NOT passive. Learning based on consequence!!!

2 The Law of Effect Edward Thorndike Locked cats in a cage Behavior changes because of its consequences. Rewards strengthen behavior. If consequences are unpleasant, the Stimulus- Reward connection will weaken. Called the whole process instrumental learning (aka operant conditioning).

3 Thorndike’s Puzzle Box Edward Thorndike (1874-1949): created a puzzle box: cage with latched door that could only be opened by pressing lever inside cats became quicker and quicker to press lever once they figured it out Law of Effect: rewarded behaviors are more likely to be repeated

4 B.F. Skinner The Mac Daddy of Operant Conditioning. Nurture guy through and through. Used a Skinner Box (Operant Conditioning Chamber) to prove his concepts.

5 Skinner Box


7 Shaping Gradually guiding the subject’s actions toward the desired behavior. Successive approximations A rat needs to press a lever to receive food. Observe to learn natural behaviors  build on what the rat already does Give food when it approaches the bar Give food when it stands next to the bar Give food when it touches the bar Ignore any other behaviors  discrimination

8 Reinforcer Any event that STRENGTHENS the behavior it follows. Two Types of Reinforcement: Positive and Negative

9 Positive Reinforcement Strengthens a response by presenting a stimulus after a response.

10 Negative Reinforcement Strengthens a response by reducing or removing an aversive stimulus. Negative Reinforcement: The removal of something unpleasant. NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT IS NOT PUNISHMENT!

11 Positive or Negative? Putting your seatbelt on. Studying for a test. Having a headache and taking an aspirin. Faking sick to avoid AP Psych class. Breaking out of jail. Getting a kiss for doing the dishes.

12 Negative Reinforcement Examples Taking aspirin to get rid of headache Hurrying home in winter to get out of cold Giving in to an argument or dog’s begging/whining Fanning yourself to escape the heat Leaving theater if movie is bad Smoking to relieve anxiety Following prison rules to be released from confinement Putting on seatbelt to make car stop beeping Umbrella to escape rain Saying “uncle” to stop being beaten

13 Punishment Meant to decrease a behavior. Positive Punishment Addition of something unpleasant. (spanking=positive punishment) Negative Punishment (Omission Training) Removal of something pleasant. Punishment works best when it is immediately done after behavior and if it is harsh!

14 Punishment & Classical Conditioning Spanking can lead to association b/w parent & pain. US=spanking CS=Parent’s upraised hand that does the spanking UR=fear & crying from pain If parent’s upraised hand is paired often enough with the pain of spanking, children can begin to associate the gesture with pain & fear of their own parents. Can lead to children not trusting parents at early age

15 The following are examples of what??? Answer choices are positive punishment, negative punishment, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement

16 Spanking a child for writing on the walls.

17 Giving candy for correct answers.

18 Nagging and nagging until you do the dishes.

19 Child whines and cries until he gets his candy at the store.

20 Taking away cell phone privileges to reduce low grades.

21 Stop jamming toothpicks up one’s fingernails in exchange for information

22 Practice Applying Concepts Complete reinforcement vs punishment wkst

23 How do we actually use Operant Conditioning? Do we wait for the subject to deliver the desired behavior? Sometimes, we use a process called shaping. Shaping is reinforcing small steps on the way to the desired behavior. To train a dog to get your slippers, you would have to reinforce him in small steps. First, to find the slippers. Then to put them in his mouth. Then to bring them to you and so on…this is shaping behavior. To get Adam to become a better student, you need to do more than give him a massage when he gets good grades. You have to give him massages when he studies for ten minutes, or for when he completes his homework. Small steps to get to the desired behavior.

24 Big Bang Theory Sheldon trains Penny

25 Chaining Behaviors Subjects are taught a number of responses successively in order to get a reward. Click picture to see a rat chaining behaviors. Click to see a cool example of chaining behaviors.

26 Can all animals be taught anything?

27 Instinctive drift Animals will drift (or revert) back to instinctual behaviors while performing tasks. Example: Pigs will deposit coins in a piggy bank but will push the coins through the mud and flip it around on its way.

28 Behaviorists successfully taught a raccoon to deposit wooden coins into a metal container for food reinforcement. But soon the raccoon started rubbing the coins together and dipping them (not dropping them) into the container. It was performing the motor program raccoons use to "wash" food in a stream. This interfered with the trick to such an extent the Brelands had to give up on it. Instead, they trained the raccoon to "play basketball." The basketball was so large that the raccoon did not attempt to wash it.

29 Primary v. Secondary Reinforcers Primary Reinforcer Things that are in themselves rewarding. Secondary Reinforcer Things we have learned to value. Money is a special secondary reinforcer called a generalized reinforcer (because it can be traded for just about anything)

30 Token Economy Every time a desired behavior is performed, a token is given. They can trade tokens in for a variety of prizes (reinforcers) Used in homes, prisons, mental institutions and schools. (Book-it = free pizza)

31 How is operant conditioning used at school? Discuss

32 Premack Principle You have to take into consideration the reinforcers used. Is the reinforcer wanted….or at least is it more preferable than the targeted behavior. Wick’s pizza might be a great positive reinforcer for me, but it would not work well on a vegetarian.

33 Reinforcement Schedules How often to you give the reinforcer? Every time or just sometimes you see the behavior.

34 Continuous v. Partial Reinforcement Continuous Reinforce the behavior EVERYTIME the behavior is exhibited. Usually done when the subject is first learning to make the association. Acquisition comes really fast. But so does extinction. Partial/Intermittent Reinforce the behavior only SOME of the times it is exhibited. Acquisition comes more slowly. But is more resistant to extinction. FOUR types of Partial Reinforcement schedules.

35 Ratio Schedules Fixed Ratio Provides a reinforcement after a SET number of responses. Variable Ratio Provides a reinforcement after a RANDOM number of responses. Very hard to get acquisition but also very resistant to extinction. Fixed Ratio- She gets a manicure for every 5 pounds she loses.

36 Interval Schedules Fixed Interval Requires a SET amount of time to elapse before giving the reinforcement. Variable Interval Requires a RANDOM amount of time to elapse before giving the reinforcement. Very hard to get acquisition but also very resistant to extinction. EG – Pop Quizzes Fixed Interval: She gets a manicure for every 7 days she stays on her diet.

37 Delayed Gratification Delayed gratification is a skill that many parents want their children to have. People who can delay gratification are able to achieve more in life. Consider the following: What types of real world rewards occur on a delayed schedule? Did you learn to wait for rewards? Why or why not? Does the media encourage people to delay gratification? Why or why not?

38 Practice Applying Concepts Complete Schedules of reinforcement wkst

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