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MONITOR TRAINING 2010 FCAT and SAT-10 Administrations.

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Presentation on theme: "MONITOR TRAINING 2010 FCAT and SAT-10 Administrations."— Presentation transcript:

1 MONITOR TRAINING 2010 FCAT and SAT-10 Administrations

2 Purpose of Monitoring  Ensure standardized testing across the district  Administer tests in a secure manner  Preserve the integrity of the tests  Safeguard the validity of the test results for schools and students 2

3 Stanford Achievement Test - Tenth Edition (SAT-10)  What’s new with the SAT-10?  All Grade 1 and Grade 2 students will test  Subtests to be administered:  District -wide: Reading Comprehension and Mathematics: Problem Solving  SAT-10 Untimed 3

4 What to Observe  Visual clues should be covered  Adequate space between students  Required materials are available (i.e. test administration manual, writing folders, planning sheets, security log, administration record)  Administration procedures followed 4

5 Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT)  FCAT Sunshine State Standards (SSS)  Writing  (Grades 4, 8, and 10)  Reading and Mathematics  (Grades 3-10)  Retake Reading and Mathematics  (Grades 10+, 11, and 12)  Science  (Grades 5, 8, and 11) 5

6 Spring 2010 FCAT Updates  Spring FCAT Writing  No multiple-choice items for any grade level.  All grade levels will use an unsealed four-page writing folder.  Planning sheets are separate handouts. 6

7 Spring 2010 FCAT Updates, cont.  Spring FCAT SSS Reading, Mathematics, and Science  All schools will test Science on week two.  Spring FCAT Retake Reading and Mathematics  Selected schools opted to participate in the Retake computer-based test.  Flexible scheduling within the district’s testing window has been approved by the state for computer-based testing only. 7

8 Pre-Monitoring and Test Session Monitoring Schedule Assessment Program Pre-Monitoring Test Session Monitoring FCAT WritingFebruary 5 or 8February 9 – 11 FCAT SSS R/M/S March 4 – 8 March 9 – 19 SAT-10 March 12 or 15March 16 –19 *Extended window for the Visually Impaired and Hospital/Homebound Program students only: FCAT Writing is February 9-17, 2010 ; FCAT SSS is March 2-19, 2010; SAT-10 is March 16-22, 2010. 8

9 Monitors’ Responsibilities  Role of the Monitor  What should be observed before, during, and after  Test Security  Test Administrator’s Responsibilities  Test Accommodations  Ask for a copy of the training packet(s) used to train school staff (if available) 9

10 Monitoring Procedures  Pre-monitoring procedures  Check for proper documentation  All secured materials are accounted for  Limited access to storage room 10

11 Monitoring Procedures, cont.  Test Session Monitoring  Randomly select a classroom to observe  Plan to remain in the test session for the full allotted time  Some students are allowed extended time. Be in place when testing begins, then exit unobtrusively after testing is well underway. 11

12 Monitoring Procedures, cont.  Monitoring After Scheduled Test Sessions  Observe make-up sessions  Packing of test materials  Limited access to storage room 12

13 What To Observe  Preparations for the Assessment  Visual cues must be covered or removed  Sufficient space between students  Student/test administrator ratio (1:30)  Roster of students assigned to the room 13

14 What To Observe, cont.  During the Assessment  All testing signs are posted.  Test materials must be handed to students individually.  Documentation of security numbers assigned to students.  A record of attendance is maintained.  Test materials for absent students are kept in a secure area in the room.  Appropriate testing environment.  Sign-in log. 14

15 What To Observe, cont.  During the Assessment  The test schedule is followed with the allotted time.  The starting time and ending time is displayed on the board.  Electronic devices are not within arm’s reach.  Script is read verbatim.  Test administrators and proctors actively monitor testing. 15

16 What To Observe, cont.  Concluding the Assessment  Test materials are collected individually from students.  Students are not permitted to leave until all materials are collected and verified.  Test materials and documentation are immediately returned to the test chair. 16

17 Reporting Irregularities  Any concern regarding a testing irregularity, breach of test security, or problem with secure testing materials must be reported immediately to Student Assessment and Educational Testing (SAET).  You should NOT “debrief” with school staff. 17

18 Monitor Observation Forms  Pre-monitoring Form (FM-6680)  Monitoring Form for Test Sessions (FM-6681)  Supplemental ESE and ELL Monitoring Form (FM-6685)  Test Security Agreement for Test Session Observers 18

19 Sample Monitor Assignment DateAssessment ProgramSchool Assignment February 5 or 8Writing Pre-monitoringBanyan Elem. February 9 – 11Writing Test SessionsN/A March 4 – 8SSS Pre-monitoringN/A March 9 – 19SSS Test SessionsDoral Middle March 12 or 15SAT-10 Pre-monitoringBen Sheppard Elem. March 16 –19SAT-10 Test SessionsN/A 19

20 Returning Monitoring Forms  Please submit all completed forms and a copy of the school’s training packet to SAET  via fax to: 305-995-7522 or  via school mail to: 9023  All forms should be submitted by March 26, 2010. 20

21 Contact Information Student Assessment and Educational Testing 305-995-7520  FCAT Program  Maria C. Bruguera or Mara Ugando  SAT-10 Program  Mayda Cabeza 21

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