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NAMING RULES 1)Determine type of bond 2) COVALENT non-metal + non-metal TYPE I IONIC non-metal + (col. I,II, Al) TYPE II IONIC non-metal + transition.

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Presentation on theme: "NAMING RULES 1)Determine type of bond 2) COVALENT non-metal + non-metal TYPE I IONIC non-metal + (col. I,II, Al) TYPE II IONIC non-metal + transition."— Presentation transcript:


2 NAMING RULES 1)Determine type of bond 2) COVALENT non-metal + non-metal TYPE I IONIC non-metal + (col. I,II, Al) TYPE II IONIC non-metal + transition FORMULA TO NAME -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” - subscripts to prefixes 1 = mono- 2 = di- 3 = tri- 4 = tetra 5 = penta- 6 = hexa- -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” -Determine cation charge from anion -Roman numeral for cation charge NAME TO FORMULA -Symbol for name -Prefixes  subscripts -Symbol for name -Determine charges -Swap charge #’s & make subscripts -Symbol for name -Determine charges -Swap charge numbers and make subscripts

3 Provide the names for these formulas CO 2 N 2 O 4 PCl 5 P 4 O 6 SF 6 N 2 O 3 *Cl 2 carbon oxygen nitrogen oxygen phosphorous pentachloride tetraphosphorous hexoxide sulfur hexafluoride dinitrogen trioxide chlorine oxidedioxide oxidedinitrogentetraoxidetetroxide do not use “mono-” on the first element Eliminate the double vowel

4 Diatomic molecules: two atoms of the same element bonded together Br I N Cl H O F When they are by themselves, there will be TWO of them & they use the element name 2222222 bromineiodin e nitro gen chlori ne hydro gen oxyg en fluori ne

5 Name these compounds SO 3 ClF 3 CaCl 2 B 2 O 3 I 2 H 2 O B 3 H 8 sulfur trioxide chlorine trifluoride IONIC diboron trioxide iodine dihydrogen monoxide triboron octahydride - it’s DIATOMIC – WATER

6 NAMING RULES 1)Determine type of bond 2) COVALENT non-metal + non-metal TYPE I IONIC non-metal + (col. I,II, Al) TYPE II IONIC non-metal + transition FORMULA TO NAME -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” - subscripts to prefixes 1 = mono- 2 = di- 3 = tri- 4 = tetra 5 = penta- 6 = hexa- -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” -Determine cation charge from anion -Roman numeral for cation charge NAME TO FORMULA -Symbol for name -Prefixes  subscripts -Symbol for name -Determine charges -Swap charge #’s & make subscripts -Symbol for name -Determine charges -Swap charge numbers and make subscripts

7 Provide the formulas for these names carbon dioxide dinitrogen tetrachloride carbon tetraiodide magnesium bromide phosphorous pentafluoride diphosphorous pentoxide sulfur hexafluoride CO 2 N 2 Cl 4 CI 4 IONIC PF 5 P2O5P2O5 SF 6

8 IONIC BOND: lithium loses an electron and forms a +1 ion fluorine gains an electron and forms a -1 ion Atoms form ions and then bond to cancel out the charge The net charge on an ionic compound is ZERO Electrons are transferred from one atom to another Li + --- F - Li F  LiF

9 Ion with the positive charge Ion with the negative charge - CATION - ANION The metal is always the CATION, the non-metal is always the ANION The metal (CATION) is always written FIRST NaCl MgBr 2 Na 3 N Na Mg Na Cl Br N

10 NAMING RULES 1)Determine type of bond 2) COVALENT non-metal + non-metal TYPE I IONIC non-metal + (col. I,II, Al) TYPE II IONIC non-metal + transition FORMULA TO NAME -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” - subscripts to prefixes 1 = mono- 2 = di- 3 = tri- 4 = tetra 5 = penta- 6 = hexa- -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” -Determine cation charge from anion -Roman numeral for cation charge NAME TO FORMULA -Symbol for name -Prefixes  subscripts -Symbol for name -Determine charges -Swap charge #’s & make subscripts -Symbol for name -Determine charges -Swap charge numbers and make subscripts

11 Name these compounds NaCl MgBr 2 Na 3 N CaI 2 CCl 4 Al 2 O 3 sodium chloride magnesium bromide sodium nitride calcium iodide carbon tetrachloride aluminum oxide COVALE NT!

12 NAMING RULES 1)Determine type of bond 2) COVALENT non-metal + non-metal TYPE I IONIC non-metal + (col. I,II, Al) TYPE II IONIC non-metal + transition FORMULA TO NAME -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” - subscripts to prefixes 1 = mono- 2 = di- 3 = tri- 4 = tetra 5 = penta- 6 = hexa- -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” -Determine cation charge from anion -Roman numeral for cation charge NAME TO FORMULA -Symbol for name -Prefixes  subscripts -Symbol for name -Determine charges -Swap charge #’s & make subscripts -Symbol for name -Determine charges -Swap charge numbers and make subscripts

13 For example: sodium chloride Na Cl 11+- 11 magnesium bromide Mg Br +12- 21

14 Provide the formulas for these names sodium nitride strontium iodide potassium sulfide aluminum chloride barium oxide calcium phsophide Na N Sr I K S Al Cl Ba O Ca P  BaO +23- +13- 1 31 +2- 12 +1 -2 21 31 +3-1 22 +2-2 23

15 Name these: B 2 H 6 Ca 3 N 2 CBr 4 ClF Al 2 S 3 PH 3 CaBr 2 Li 2 O aluminum iodide tetraphosphorous decoxide potassium nitride chlorine monobromide magnesium fluoride barium phosphide Give the formula: diboron hexahydride calcium nitride carbon tetrabromide chlorine monofluoride aluminum sulfide phosphorous trihydride calcium bromide lithium oxide Al I 3 P 4 O 10 K3NK3N ClBr MgF 2 Ba 3 P 2

16 Polyatomic ions: NaOH Ca(NO 3 ) 2 Al(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 3 (NH 4 ) 2 S (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 Li 3 PO 4 KClO 3 sodium hydroxide calcium nitrate aluminum acetate ammonium sulfide ammonium sulfate lithium phosphate potassium chlorate group of atoms that behave like an ion Name these compounds:

17 Provide the formulas for these names sodium phosphate barium hydroxide calcium nitrite sulfur dioxide magnesium sulfate magnesium bromide ammonium phosphate Na 3 PO 4 Ba(OH) 2 Ca(NO 2 ) 2 SO 2 MgSO 4 MgBr 2 (NH 4 ) 3 PO 4

18 Name these: Na 2 S CF 4 Ca(OH) 2 potassium sulfate calcium phosphide nitrogen trihydride Write the formula: K 2 SO 4 Ca 3 P 2 NH 3 sodium sulfide carbon tetrafluoride calcium hydroxide - AMMONIA

19 NAMING RULES 1)Determine type of bond 2) COVALENT non-metal + non-metal TYPE I IONIC non-metal + (col. I,II, Al) TYPE II IONIC non-metal + transition FORMULA TO NAME -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” - subscripts to prefixes 1 = mono- 2 = di- 3 = tri- 4 = tetra 5 = penta- 6 = hexa- -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” -Determine cation charge from anion -Roman numeral for cation charge NAME TO FORMULA -Symbol for name -Prefixes  subscripts -Symbol for name -Determine charges -Swap charge #’s & make subscripts -Symbol for name -Determine charges -Swap charge numbers and make subscripts

20 Name these compounds: FeO NiN SnCl 4 Fe 2 O 3 Cr 2 O 3 ironoxide nickelnitride tinchloride ironoxide chromium (III) oxide -2+2 (II) -3+3 (III) (IV) -4 +4 (III) -2 -6 +6

21 NAMING RULES 1)Determine type of bond 2) COVALENT non-metal + non-metal TYPE I IONIC non-metal + (col. I,II, Al) TYPE II IONIC non-metal + transition FORMULA TO NAME -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” - subscripts to prefixes 1 = mono- 2 = di- 3 = tri- 4 = tetra 5 = penta- 6 = hexa- -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” -Name for symbol -2 nd element to “-ide” -Determine cation charge from anion -Roman numeral for cation charge NAME TO FORMULA -Symbol for name -Prefixes  subscripts -Symbol for name -Determine charges -Swap charge #’s & make subscripts -Symbol for name -Determine charges -Swap charge numbers and make subscripts

22 Write the formulas for these compounds: manganese (IV) chloride iron (III) bromide copper (I) oxide iron (III) sulfide iron (III) hydroxide Mn Cl Fe Br Cu O Fe S Fe OH 14+- 41 -1+3 31 2 1+ - 21 23 -2+3 13 ( ) 1-3+

23 Provide the name & formula: iron (III) hydroxide aluminum sulfite ammonium carbonate K 3 PO 4 Fe(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 NaHCO 3 Fe(OH) 3 Al 2 (SO 3 ) 3 (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 potassium phosphate iron (II) acetate sodium bicarbonate

24 Difference in notation nitrogen nitride nitrite nitrate N N -3 NO 2 - NO 3 - sulfur sulfide sulfite sulfate S S -2 SO 3 -2 SO 4 -2 phosphorous phosphide phosphite phosphate P P -3 PO 3 3- PO 4 3- Cl Cl - ClO 2 - ClO 3 - chlorine chloride chlorite chlorate

25 Write the name/formula: aluminum oxide carbon dioxide sodium carbonate iron (III) sulfide P 2 O 3 S 2 F 6 K 2 O Ca(OH) 2 Al 2 O 3 CO 2 Na 2 CO 3 Fe 2 S 3 diphosphorous trioxide disulfur hexafluoride potassium oxide calcium hydroxide

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