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Carbohydrates are the prime energy source when you are exercising? True Carbohydrates (CHO) are the prime energy source for your muscles to work, they.

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Presentation on theme: "Carbohydrates are the prime energy source when you are exercising? True Carbohydrates (CHO) are the prime energy source for your muscles to work, they."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbohydrates are the prime energy source when you are exercising? True Carbohydrates (CHO) are the prime energy source for your muscles to work, they are the only fuel used by the brain 2 types of CHO: Complex…..grains, dense bread, pasta vegetables Simple…..Fruit and sugar Your diet should consist of 50 – 60% coming from Carbohydrates Carbohydrates DO NOT MAKE US FAT….it is what we are putting on the carbs that is making us fat or that we are eating toooooo many carbs.

2 Protein gives our muscle energy? FALSE Protein is a building block for the body and is important for tissue growth and repair Will provide energy only in emergency situation (starvation) but can be toxic to the body when used as energy SOURCES: fish, chicken, red meat, dairy products, leafy green vegetables, nuts Protein should be 10-15% of your diet Vegetarians can get protein from plant sources and legumes (kidney beans, chick peas, soy, lentils

3 If we do not use our muscles they will turn into fat? FALSE Muscle is a specialized cell… is fat Muscle cells cannot turn into a fat cell and visa versa You are born with a set # of muscle cells and cannot change this…we can only change the size of the cells 3 primary periods of life where the # of fat cells will naturally increase 3 rd trimester First year of life Adolescent growth spurt (You control this)

4 To get rid of the fat around the stomach, you should do sit ups? FALSE You cannot spot reduce You can only spot strengthen

5 Water makes up 60 – 80% of the body? TRUE VERY IMPORTANT NUTRIENT Water does not supply any calories but it is important for the body to function properly 8 glasses of water a day…minimum

6 Fat is unhealthy and we should eliminate it from our diet. FALSE Fat is an essential nutrient Fat is a key energy source in the body Fat keeps us warm Fat is important for the functioning of key vitamins (A,D,E,K) Fat in food gives the body the sensation of being full…therefore you don’t over eat. Look for healthy fats..saturated vs. unsaturated Saturated fats (bad fat): Solid at room temperature with the exception of palm oil and coconut oil Unsaturated fats (good fat): Liquid at room temperature

7 Muscle is the only metabolic (burns calories) tissue in our body? TRUE Muscle is the only tissue in the body that will burn calories. These calories come from fat and glucose (sugar) Muscle is the engine of our body The stronger the engine (muscle) the more fuel it needs and therefore burns more calories throughout the day How do you get stronger muscles? Exercise and Weight Train!!!!

8 Females will get big and bulky if they weight train? FALSE How your muscles develop is based on your body type Females would have to be taking testosterone to get BIG & BULKY Weight training will make female muscles stronger and give definition/tone.

9 High protein diets, like the Atkins diet, are a safe and healthy way to lose weight. FALSE Initial weight loss is water Will lose some stored fat Body ends up using protein for fuel Protein is toxic and you end up feeling sick, cranky and tired If you stay on the diet the body will lose muscle cells (protein for fuel) these muscle cells can never be replaced. If you lose muscle cells you are reducing the size of the engine in your body and therefore your metabolism will drop You end up worse off then when you started the high protein diet

10 Taking a multivitamin will give you extra energy throughout the day? FALSE The vitamin supplement will not directly give you energy Vitamins regulate body processes

11 Heart Disease is an age related disease and can only have an effect on older adults. FALSE Teens are showing signs of heart disease See article

12 Hydrogentated vegetable oil is better for you than butter. FALSE “Hydrogenated” means turning a healthy unsaturated fat (veg. Oil) into an extremely unhealthy fat…TRANS FATTY ACIDS TFA’s are one of the leading causes of heart disease in teenagers

13 Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. TRUE Breakfast jump starts the engines You will burn more calories in a day if you eat breakfast Skipping breakfast trains your body to store fat rather than burn it

14 Using a scale is a good way to tell if you are a healthy weight for your age. FALSE A scale measures everything in your body…bones, blood, water, fat, muscle, hair, organs, …… does not measure your health Body composition is the only way to determine if you are healthy Body composition measures your % body fat to all the other ‘stuff’ in your body

15 Sports drinks are beneficial. DEPENDS Sports drink are only necessary if you are doing intense exercising for more than 60 minutes Sports drinks are very high in glucose and sodium Stick to water!!!

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