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MOOCs and Web February 2015. MOOCs and Web 2 MOOCs and Web 2015 Jean-Charles POMEROL Professeur émérite UPMC Président honoraire UNF3S.

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Presentation on theme: "MOOCs and Web February 2015. MOOCs and Web 2 MOOCs and Web 2015 Jean-Charles POMEROL Professeur émérite UPMC Président honoraire UNF3S."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOOCs and Web February 2015

2 MOOCs and Web 2 MOOCs and Web 2015 Jean-Charles POMEROL Professeur émérite UPMC Président honoraire UNF3S

3 MOOCs and Web I - What are the future users of MOOCs ? 3 MOOCs and Web 2015 1- Every person seeking for new knowledge, all over the world 2- Students in countries where there is a shortage of higher education. This public needs exercises, dialog, certification; consequently they need a very important network capacity. 3- Flipped teaching for the students in developed countries 4-Continuing education everywhere. This public needs also assessment of capabilities and certification.

4 MOOCs and Web 4 MOOCs and Web 2015 II - Web quality of services for end users 1-For people involved in action 2 and 4, the first need is to have a very high speed internet via satellites. They cannot afford that the connection fails when the MOOCer is in the middle of an exercise. Speed, security and quality are compulsory. 2- Nobody can ensure that the person fulfilling the exercises in a MOOC is really the person who claims for the certificate of achievement. This is a real challenge for the future of the MOOCs and it has probably no simple solution even in the next generation of web. 3- Nevertheless we must think about securing the exchanges between the MOOC followers (community of MOOCers) and introduce the notion of closed group in which everybody can communicate with anybody and in which the coordinator can see all the exchanges.

5 MOOCs and Web 5 MOOCs and Web 2015 III- Security of data 1- FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) prohibits « the improper disclosure of personally identifiable information derived from education records ». It must be also true for the MOOCs. 2- As a consequence, internet must warranty that nobody, even the MOOC designer, cannot freely access to MOOCers’ data. Automatic encryption of personal identification in a MOOC can be required by the user with a key only available to him/her, with the possibility to switch from privacy for training to publicity for certification.

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