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The Busan Action Plan for Statistics: Discussion of the Implementation Roadmap The World Bank and PARIS21 Secretariat PARIS21 Board Meeting: Special Session.

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Presentation on theme: "The Busan Action Plan for Statistics: Discussion of the Implementation Roadmap The World Bank and PARIS21 Secretariat PARIS21 Board Meeting: Special Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Busan Action Plan for Statistics: Discussion of the Implementation Roadmap The World Bank and PARIS21 Secretariat PARIS21 Board Meeting: Special Session on the Implementation of the Busan Action Plan for Statistics

2 PARIS21 Board Meeting – 28 March, 2012Paris, France Focus is now on implementation BAPS endorsed at the Busan HLF4 (December, 2011) and the UNSC (March, 2012) BAPS has five actions to support three objectives: i.Integrate Statistics into decision-making ii.Promote open access iii.Increase resource base Each action encompasses a range of possible activities at the national, regional, & global level. Implementation activities could be “vertical” or “horizontal” 2 Sections I & II

3 PARIS21 Board Meeting – 28 March, 2012Paris, France Requires collective effort & political leadership Should be country led Uses on existing partnerships & agencies Results will be monitored Implementation roadmap is flexible and responsive, based on broad consultation 3 BAPS Implementation principles Section III

4 PARIS21 Board Meeting – 28 March, 2012Paris, France Priorities from initial consultations Sample of developing countries: align activities through the NSDS, need stable funding, improve data accessibility, training, & communication with users UNSC: improve accessibility of statistics, gender statistics, agricultural statistics, and consider special needs of fragile and small states Regional Entities: advocate use of stats in decision- making, consolidate training activities, improve NSDSs Users: Focus on results, improve M&E systems, more accessible and better sub-national and micro data. 4 Section IV

5 PARIS21 Board Meeting – 28 March, 2012Paris, France Implementation steps underway Re-focusing of NSDSs Supporting countries with open data initiatives Gender Statistics (“EDGE”) Agriculture Statistics (Implementing the Global Strategy) Geospatial information management ECASTAT – a new partnership for regional statistical capacity building in Europe and CIS countries Many IFIs re-focusing their work programs and strategic approaches 5 Section V

6 PARIS21 Board Meeting – 28 March, 2012Paris, France Governance 6 PARIS21 to act as BAPS secretariat Task Team to help in the short term PARIS21 EC and Board to review shifts in BAPS priorities and assess implementation progress Report progress as well as receive support from post-Busan Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (WP/EFF) and the UNSC Section VI

7 PARIS21 Board Meeting – 28 March, 2012Paris, France Financing requirements and instruments 7 Key initiatives have sound financing (Agriculture and Gender) Other initiatives not expensive (NSDS updating, Open Data initiatives in countries, pilot high- frequency stats, PARIS21 strengthening) RDBs to rely on current financing instruments World Bank exploring re-purposing some TFs More in-depth discussion in tomorrow’s session Sections VII & VIII

8 PARIS21 Board Meeting – 28 March, 2012Paris, France Monitoring Monitoring aided by BAPS log frame (Annex I) and indicators for specific implementation initiatives (example in Annex II) 8 Sections IX & X Next Steps More consultations BAPS Secretariat at PARIS21 Create Task Team Prepare implementation report for June 2012 WP/EFF

9 PARIS21 Board Meeting – 28 March, 2012Paris, France Guidance & Decisions sought 9 Sections XI Is the proposed approach to BAPS implementation on the right track? Should the PARIS21 Secretariat and World Bank produce a progress report on BAPS implementation for PARIS21 Board meetings? Should the Task Team be created? Should PARIS21 prepare a report for the WP-EFF?

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