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Rare Program for Sustainable Fishing in the Philippines Strengthening MPA management through local communities Pride English Program 2 (PEP-II)

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Presentation on theme: "Rare Program for Sustainable Fishing in the Philippines Strengthening MPA management through local communities Pride English Program 2 (PEP-II)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rare Program for Sustainable Fishing in the Philippines Strengthening MPA management through local communities Pride English Program 2 (PEP-II)

2 Objectives of this Presentation 1.To illustrate the state of Philippine fisheries 2.To give an overview of the Rare Program for Sustainable Fishing in the Philippines 3.To present RARE Pride and how it can address overfishing using the RARE Pride Theory of Change 4.To highlight the importance of MPA core zones (or no- take zones NTZs) 5.To show how we can all be involved in enhancing our fisheries

3 Out of 1200 MPAs in the Philippines, only 10% of the existing are achieving habitat protection.

4 Estimated average annual catch per municipal fisherman for 1987-1996 The municipal production data are from BFAR (1997). The data on the increase in population of municipal fishers are adapted using data from BFAR (1993) and Bernascek (1994)].

5 “The problem” this century is that methods of overfishing removes life, kill the habitats, and destroy everything they hit. We are now capable of catching the last fish that remains in the oceans

6 RARE Pride Inspiring conservation through social marketing and the 3 C’s apacity onstituency onservation

7 RARE Pride ‘s Theory of Change KAIC BR BCTR CR ++ Knowledge Attitude Interpersonal communications Barrier removal Behavior change Threat reduction Conservation result

8 Using the Theory of Change to Achieve Sustainable Fishing in the Philippines Increased community “buy in” and ownership of MPAs (Solution = PRIDE for our MPAs) and Improved MPA governance of core zones (Solution = Enhancing the Philippine MPA experience)

9 MPAs are Seabanks: Why MPA core zones are so important – growing big fish


11 EXPECTED RESULTS Improved coral reef health inside the MPA core zone leads to increased fish catch by community fishers due to the spillover effect

12 Working together… Full participation of all stakeholders and partners in the improved governance of our MPAs

13 For more information about this program, check out: or Marine Protected Areas Philippines on Facebook


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