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Global Scaling-Up Sanitation Project Water and Sanitation Program 5 th World Water Forum Istanbul Jae So Manager Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)

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Presentation on theme: "Global Scaling-Up Sanitation Project Water and Sanitation Program 5 th World Water Forum Istanbul Jae So Manager Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Scaling-Up Sanitation Project Water and Sanitation Program 5 th World Water Forum Istanbul Jae So Manager Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)

2 2 What are the goals of the WSP Global Scaling-Up Sanitation Project? Increase Access to Basic Sanitation At-Scale 1 Support to Strengthen the Enabling Environment for At-Scale Sustainable Programs 2 Share Project Learning and Develop Tools and Guides for Global Replication 4 Learn About: Working at-scale Impact on the poor Developing Evidence to Increase Investments 3 Project Goals

3 3 Tanzania India Indonesia  Approach  Starts at-scale  Builds on sector successes with CLTS and Sanitation Marketing  Applies a consistent approach in all three countries  Focuses on rigorous and intentional learning  Implemented by national and local governments and domestic private sector  WSP provides technical assistance, capacity building and facilitates learning Approach, Partners and Locations

4 4 How is the project achieving impact, sustainability, scalability? Impact  Emphasizing community- wide open defecation free (ODF) behavior change and use of sanitation facilities Sustainability  Strengthening the policy, institutional and financial enabling environment at both national and local levels Scalability  Developing cost-effective approaches, capacity building of local governments, facilitating role of local private sector Project Impact

5 5  More than 1 million people have gained access to improved sanitation  854 communities have achieved open defecation free (ODF) status  Enabling environment has been strengthened 24% Interim Results Increase Access to Basic Sanitation At-Scale Support to Strengthen the Enabling Environment for At-Scale Sustainable Programs 1 2 Learn About: Working at-scale Impact on the poor Developing Evidence to Increase Investments Share Project Learning and Develop Tools and Guides for Global Replication 3 4  Lessons emerge at the end of the baseline and impact evaluation  Emerging lessons available  Starting to develop tools and guides for sharing

6 6 Emerging Lessons Increase Access to Basic Sanitation At-Scale Strengthen the Enabling Environment for At-Scale Sustainable Programs 1 2  Implementing CLTS with local governments is feasible and can be designed to work at large scale  Using marketing approaches with local private sector complements the CLTS approach by helping households move up the sanitation ladder  Integrating the project into local, regional and national government policies and programs ensures sustainability

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