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Published byLambert Mills Modified over 9 years ago
1 Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs Quarter 3 Performance Report of 2014/ 2015 10 March 2015
2 Content 1.Overview of achievements and challenges 2. Developments to note 3. DHA outcomes and related strategic objectives 4. Main Achievements: April – December 2014 5. Progress against Q3 targets per programme 6. Financial performance
3 Overview of achievements (1/2)
4 Overview of Achievements and Challenges (2 / 2) Main Achievements DHA officials, in spite of a shortage of specialists, are resolving complex challenges to roll out digital systems and smart ID cards. The implementation of the visa facilitation partnership is on track; thus improving security and overall management of the process. Significant progress has been made in establishing the Border Management Agency.
5 Overview of Achievements and Challenges (2 / 2) Major Challenges IT networks have not been reliable. Remedial steps were taken. Load-shedding negatively impacted SITA data and switching centres, leading to non-availability of systems and networks. Delays in procuring a key service provider has delayed some modernisation projects.
6 Developments to note ( 1 / 4) IT Infrastructure The public rightly expects consistent services that are secure when they arrive at any of our 403 front line offices. The failure of the IT networks connecting DHA offices to back-end systems has a negative impact on services and security. The smart ID card system and other digital systems being introduced by the DHA require a stable network with sufficient bandwidth. The Department is considering all options for ensuring that its has access to IT infrastructure that is reliable and supports modernisation. The options include building on any initiatives that government may be piloting or rolling out to improve networks or introduce e-government.
7 Developments to note ( 2/ 4) Asylum Seeker Management Asylum seekers are afforded protection under the UN Conventions that South Africa has signed and included in the Refugees Act. After adjudication and appeals, those asylums seekers whose claims are rejected should leave South Africa voluntarily or be deported. Those given refugee status are accorded rights similar to permanent residents. Currently, the system is overwhelmed by economic migrants who claim asylum. This is because the Courts have ruled that the DHA gives asylum seekers permits to work or study (Section 22) while awaiting adjudication, as no provision is made for their accommodation or food. In June 2015 the DHA will engage with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to discuss how they can assist in meeting this challenge. The DHA is engaging with various departments that provide other forms of assistance to asylum seekers so as to define a country position.
8 Developments to note ( 3/ 4) New opening and closing hours for Civic front offices The new hours for the public will be 08h00 – 16h00. Office hours for officials will be from 07h30 – 16h30. There will be two shifts of 8 hours and 7 hours respectively. (Early shift: 07h30-16h00 and Late shift: 09h00-16h30) Those officials working a 7 hour shift will provide services on Saturdays, with offices opening to the public from 08h30 to 12h30. The new arrangement will help ensure that sufficient staff are on duty; and it aligns with the hours worked by staff operating national systems. It also enables managers to conduct daily office readiness assessment and to have morning staff meetings.
9 Developments to note ( 4/ 4) Initiatives to improve front office service delivery Linking with the new arrangement for opening and closing hours, a management tool has been developed to ensure that all the 403 front office managers perform daily readiness checks. A Service Delivery Charter will be published at the beginning of new financial year and it sets out the standards the public should expect from the Department. The Charter also sets out what channels are available for compliments and complaints. All Senior Management Service members (Directors and above) are annually contracted to spend 5 days per year working in front line offices. This is being enforced and organised so as to extract maximum value for the public and the organisation.
10 Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity Strategic Objectives All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status. An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system.
11 Outcome 2: Secured and responsive immigration system Strategic Objectives Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently. Movement of persons in and out of the country regulated according to a risk based approach. Enabling documents issued to foreigners efficiently and securely.
12 Outcome 3: Services to citizens and other clients that are accessible and efficient Strategic Objectives Secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants. Good governance and administration. Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption. Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives.
13 Main achievements : April – Dec 2014 514 984 births were registered within 30 days of birth. 935 031 smart ID cards issued to citizens 16 years of age and above. Vacancy rate maintained at below 10%. 95% of IDs (Re-issues) issued within 47 working. Advanced Passenger Profiling: A total of 2 171 travellers were offloaded or not allowed to depart or travel to South Africa. A total of 208 000 application were received. 57 873 applications have been adjudicated and Zimbabwean Special Permits issued.(Approved =56 064 and Rejected =1 809). A total 45 780 illegal immigrants were deported from the Lindela Holding Facility and in direct deportations from the provinces.
14 Main achievements : April – Dec 2014 Cabinet approved the proposed vision for the Border Management Agency of South Africa as a basis for the business case and enabling legislation as work in progress. A two-phased approach will be used to establish the agency: a) Transition Phase (January 2015-December 2016) b)Agency Phase (January 2017 and beyond) Cabinet approved the relocation of the lead agency role for the Border Control Operational Coordinating Committee from SARS to the Department of Home Affairs from 01 January 2015. Ports of Entry travellers processed during the festive period is 4.5 million arrivals and departures.
15 PROGRAMME 1 :Administration Strategic objectives Supported by the targets (includes transversal IT systems) 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status 1.2 An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system 3.1 To ensure secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants. 3.2 Good governance and administration. 3.3 To ensure ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption. 3.4 Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives.
16 ANNUAL TARGET 70 additional offices with live capture functionality for identity documents and passports (installed and functional). NoQ3 TargetNot achieved 1.1.1 20 additional offices with live capture functionality for identity documents and passports. Live capture rolled out to 3 offices. Reason for not achieving target/ problems resulting in the variances Offices were handed over to Information Services during the second week of December which made it impossible to rollout given holiday period. Live capture system needed to be upgraded to accommodate the change of Signature pads model. Action(s) taken to resolve identified problems (Corrective Action). All offices handed over to Information Services will be completed in Quarter 4 including Quarter 4 target. As of 28 February 62 offices were completed with only 8 left to complete the annual target. This brings the total number of live capture offices to 132.
17 ANNUAL TARGET National Identity System (NIS) developed (designed) NoQ3 TargetNot achieved 1.2.1 System developed by Information Services (first module) The data analysis report was completed and submitted to Civics Services with recommendations. Reason for not achieving target/ problems resulting in the variances The contract with the service provider has not yet been signed by the Department because contractual discussions with the National Treasury have not been concluded. As a result the project couldn't commence in the current financial year. Action(s) taken to resolve identified problems (Corrective Action) The Department is awaiting to conclude the discussions with National Treasury before appointing the developers of the systems.
18 ANNUAL TARGET Technical testing of Trusted Traveller Programme completed by Information Services Branch NoQ3 Target Not Achieved 1.2.2 System developed and technical testing completed by Information Services branch Reason for not achieving target/ problems resulting in the variances The contract with the service provider has not yet been signed by the Department because contractual discussions with the National Treasury have not been concluded. As a result the project couldn't commence in the current financial year. Action(s) taken to resolve identified problems (Corrective Action) The Department is awaiting to conclude the discussions with National Treasury before appointing the developers of the systems.
19 ANNUAL TARGET Development of e-Permit system completed by Information Services branch and handed over to IMS for user acceptance testing NoQ3 TargetAchieved 1.2.3System developed (IS)The ZSP sub model of the Adjudication system was developed and implemented.
20 ANNUAL TARGET 90% newly appointed officials trained on DHA Induction Programme before commencement of service NoQ3 Target Achieved 3.1.190% newly appointed officials trained on DHA Induction Programme before commencement of service 100% of all fixed external appointees attended the DHA Induction Programme. During Quarter 3 there were only three fixed external appointments who commenced service on 1 Dec 2014. A total of 25 officials, who included the three newly appointed officials, interns and officials previously appointed, attended the DHA Induction during Q3.111% Achievement
21 ANNUAL TARGET 300 officials enrolled and trained in skills programmes emanating from the National Certificate: Home Affairs Services to improve performance NoQ3 TargetNot Achieved 3.1.2 75 officials enrolled and trained in skills programmes emanating from the National Certificate: Home Affairs Services to improve performance 67 officials were enrolled and trained in skills programmes. The training was conducted as follows: Eastern Cape: 17 (Inspectorate Life Skills Programme) Head Office: 23 (National Certificate Home Affairs Services) Head Office: 14 (PMs and DMOs Life Skills Programme) North West: 13 (Ports of Entry Life Skills Programme ) Reason for not achieving target/ problems resulting in the variances The planned target is not achieved because of the financial constraints raised as inhibiting factor by most of the business units. Action(s) taken to resolve identified problems (Corrective Action) It is the intention of the Learning Academy to train 83 officials during Quarter 4, provided that funds are available for business units to send officials for training. The Learning Academy will engage Branches and Provinces to secure adequate nominees for training.
22 ANNUAL TARGET 100 managers (junior, middle and senior) enrolled and trained in leadership and management development programmes to improve performance) NoQ3 TargetNot Achieved 3.1.3 Block 3 of training for 40 junior and 40 middle managers conducted 20 SMS enrolled and trained in second Leadership and Management Development module. 40 Junior and 40 Middle Managers were achieved in respect of Block 3 and even over achieved as 25 middle and 6 junior managers also attended the Multiple Intelligence training. As far as the Senior Managers are concerned the target of 20 was not achieved only ten SMS attended the Multiple Intelligence training. Reason for not achieving target/ problems resulting in the variances Not all the Senior Managers who booked for the training attended Action(s) taken to resolve identified problems (Corrective Action) Service providers have been engaged regarding the Lean Six Sigma training for managers, but the procurement process has not been finalised. Quotations must be sourced and BAC approval obtained. This is targeted for the next quarter. Operations Management will be trained in the next quarter.
23 ANNUAL TARGET In-year monitoring reports submitted to National Treasury on a monthly basis NoQ3 Target Achieved 3.2.2 In-year monitoring reports submitted to National Treasury on a monthly basis IYM reports were submitted on the 15th of each month to National Treasury. ANNUAL TARGET 3 DHA 2014/15 and 1 DHA 2013/14 quarterly performance reports verified and approved by EXCO and signed by the DG within 60 days after each quarter NoQ3 TargetAchieved 3.2.41 (2014/15 FY)quarterly performance reports verified and approved by EXCO and signed by the DG within 60 days after each quarter DHA quarter two (2) performance report was verified and submitted to National Treasury and DPME Email to National Treasury and DPME. DHA quarter two (2) performance report. Minutes of EXCO on 24 November 2014 approving report, signed by DG
24 ANNUAL TARGET Vacancy rate maintained at 10% or below by 31 March 2015 NoQ3 TargetAchieved 3.2.6Vacancy rate maintained at 10% or below DHA - Achieved = 4.7%, There was a 3.9% increase from Quarter 2 as a result of the large scale funding of posts
25 ANNUAL TARGET Ethics Management programme developed and approved by EXCO NoQ3 TargetAchieved 3.3.1 Ethics programme implemented through training, starting with the Training of the Trainers (TOT) in Learning Academy. Training as per roll out plan (project plan) Training was conducted for DMC, the Ethics Committee and at the Leadership Forum. A total of 96 officials have also been trained by the Learning Academy in this respect. ANNUAL TARGET 60% of reported cases investigated and finalised within 90 working days NoQ3 TargetAchieved 3.3.260% of reported cases investigated and finalised within 90 working days Total Cases Received: 101 62 reported cases investigated and finalised within 90 working days Total Cases Finalised: 62 of 101 = 61%
26 ANNUAL TARGET 4 reviews on processes conducted and reports signed off by DG NoQ3 TargetAchieved 3.3.3 1 Review on Death Registration process conducted and report submitted and signed off by The report was finalised, with findings on vulnerabilities in the Death Registration system and recommendations for implementation by the Civics Branch. The report was signed off by the DG with the comment that the DDG: CS must develop an action plan for implementation of the recommendations and report to the DG in one-on-one meetings. ANNUAL TARGET 80 (60 MPSS, 20 MISS) of Threats and Risk Assessments (TRAs) conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minimum Information (MISS) and / or Physical Security Standards (MPSS) NoQ3 TargetAchieved 3.3.420 (15,5) of Threats and Risk Assessments (TRAs) conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minimum Information (MISS) and / or Physical Security Standards (MPSS) 20 (15,5) Threat and Risk Assessments [TRA] written reports with accompanying recommendations for implementation by the respective office managers were generated.
27 ANNUAL TARGET 468 Vetting fieldwork investigations finalised and referred to State Security Agency (SSA) for Evaluation NoQ3 Target Not Achieved 3.3.5 117 vetting fieldwork investigations finalised and referred to State Security Agency (SSA 91 Vetting fieldwork investigations finalised and submitted to State Security Agency (SSA) for Evaluation. Shortfall: 26 Reason for not achieving target/ problems resulting in the variances The Senior Vetting Officer KZN is on temporary incapacity leave due to illness. Vetting officers who did not meet their targets contributed to the shortfall. During this quarter, the business unit experienced a marked upsurge in the unavailability of references and subjects due to their study and annual leave commitments Action(s) taken to resolve identified problems (Corrective Action) A Vetting Officer from Head Office was appointed to assist in KZN with the Vetting Fieldwork operations. The security grading template has been revised implying that more clearances have been downgraded to Confidential, thus putting the business unit in a position to reach the Annual Target.
28 ANNUAL TARGET 7 Exhibitions participated in to support government and departmental events NoQ3 Target Achieved 3.4.1 1 exhibition The branch participated in Agri SA’s exhibition on cross border labour ANNUAL TARGET 4 Publications of e-Khaya electronic newsletter produced No Q3 Target Achieved 3.4.1 1 publication of e-Khaya electronic newsletter produced Issue 3 October 2014 Zimbabwean Dispensation (ZSP) Issue 4 Oct/Nov 2014 16 Days of Activism (25 November-10 December 2014.
29 ANNUAL TARGET 10 Ministerial Izimbizo activities supported (public engagement, distributing IDs, birth certificates, etc.) NoQ3 Target Achieved 3.4.1 3 Ministerial Izimbizo 1 October 2014 Minister interacted with Mpumalanga staff at Emnotweni Casino 2 October 2014 Minister held an Imbizo at Bushbuckridge in Mpumalanga 7 October 2014 Minister interacted with provincial staff at llanga Conference Center 8 October 2014 Minister held an Imbizo at Melmoth, Kwazulu-Natal 23 October 2014 Minister provided ID documents to Kya Sands community after the fire disaster
30 PROGRAMME 2 Citizen Affairs Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status. 1.2 An integrated and digitised National Identity System that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system. 3.2: Good governance and administration
31 ANNUAL TARGET 694 000 births registered within 30 calendar days of birth NoQ3 Target Achieved 1.1.1 166 560 births registered within 30 calendar days of Birth 166 848 births were registered within 30 days of birth during the review period ANNUAL TARGET 1.6 million smart ID cards issued to citizens 16 years of age and above NoQ3 Target Achieved 1.1.2 432 000 smart ID cards issued to citizens 16 years of age and above During quarter three a total of 456 546 ID Smart cards issued to citizens 16 years of age and above.
32 ANNUAL TARGET 95% of IDs (First issues) issued within 54 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until ID is scanned at office of application) NoQ3 Target Not Achieved 1.1.3 95% of IDs (First issues) issued within 54 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until ID is scanned at office of application 92,9% of IDs (First Issues) were issued within 54 working days (RSA applications only) 38 924 IDs (First Issue) were issued in 54 working days and 2 966 above. The total number of IDs (First Issues) issued during the review period was 41 890 Reason for not achieving target/ problems resulting in the variances HANIS not operational since 27 October 2014 to date due to electric power problems. There has been a significant increase in Permanent Residence which will impact on the target in terms of turnaround times (verification vs investigation) Action(s) taken to resolve identified problems (Corrective Action) Letter from DG: DHA to be sent to DG: DPW to an independent audit team to assess the current power situation at BVR (CD: CS Support) Delink Permanent Residence applications from ID applications including Refugees (DDG IS & IMS & CD: BOIP)
33 ANNUAL TARGET 95% of IDs (Re-issues) issued within 47 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA NoQ3 Target Achieved 1.1.4 95% of IDs (Re-issues) issued within 47 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until ID is scanned at office of application 96,3% of IDs (Re-issues) were issued within 47 working days (RSA applications only) 45 675 IDs (Re-issues) were issued in 47 working days and 1779 above. The total number of IDs (Re-issues) issued during the review period was 47 454
34 ANNUAL TARGET 95% of machine readable passports (manual process) issued within 24 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA NoQ3 Target Not achieved 1.1.5 95% of machine readable passports (manual process) issued within 24 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until passport is scanned at office of application) 92,1% of machine readable passports (MRP) (manual process) were issued within 24 working days (RSA applications only) 76 234 MRPs (manual process) were issued in 24 working days and 6572 above. The total number of MRPs (manual process) issued during the review period was 82 806 Reason for not achieving target/ problems resulting in the variances Inadequate resources; Shortage of machines (receiving, quality assurance and dispatch ) Challenge of backlog at image enhancement due to lack of monitoring tool for individual performance and operations management as well as viewing right Action(s) taken to resolve identified problems (Corrective Action) Implementation of diamond release and submission requests for monitoring tool for operations management Strengthening monitoring mechanisms and introduce the individual performance dashboard as well as adherence to operations management
35 ANNUAL TARGET 97% of machine readable passports (live capture process) issued within 13 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA(from date of receipt of application until passport is scanned at office of application NoQ3 Target Not achieved 1.1.6 97% of machine readable passports (live capture process) issued within 13 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until passport is scanned at office of application) Live Capture against this set target was discontinued during June 2014. Applications were still processed during Q2 and reported accordingly. During Q3 367 live passports were captured but data as per agreement with IS was sent to programmers for further investigation. However, the new live capture system is being implemented and report available for information purposes Reason for not achieving target/ problems resulting in the variances Target not reported on. Old live capture system replaced by a new digital system that operates in offices equipped to process applications for the smart ID card. Process to measure performance is not yet in place.
36 ANNUAL TARGET Reviewed front office toolkit to improve the daily management of operations approved, implemented and monitored NoQ3 Target Achieved 3.2.8 Front office toolkit implemented in small, medium and large offices Quarterly monitoring report on the implementation of the front office toolkit submitted to EXCO by M&E unit The Front Office Toolkit was revised to an online reporting toolkit in order to ensure timeous and accurate reporting. Training was provided by Learning Academy at offices in Limpopo, Gauteng, Free State and Mpumalanga.
37 PROGRAMME 3 Immigration Affairs Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 2.1 Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently 2.2 Movement of persons in and out of the country regulated according to a risk-based approach 2.3 Enabling documents issued to foreigners efficiently and securely
38 ANNUAL TARGET 50% of refugee IDs issued within 90 calendar days (from the date of application at refugee reception offices until document is ready at office of application) NoQ3 Target Not achieved 2.1.1 50% of refugee IDs issued within 90 calendar days (from the date of application at refugee reception offices until document is ready at office of application) 1334 applications were received from 01 July – 30 September 2014. Of these, 630 IDs have been dispatched to Refugee Reception Offices (RROs), reflecting a 47% achievement Reason for not achieving target/ problems resulting in the variances The target was set at 50% because of limited capacity for the function within the Immigration branch. From next year a large part of the process will be transferred to Civic Services
39 ANNUAL TARGET 80% of refugee travel documents issued within 90 calendar days(from the date of application at refugee reception offices until travel document is ready at office of application) NoQ3 Target Not achieved 2.1.2 80% of refugee travel documents issued within 90 calendar days (from the date of application at refugee reception offices until travel document is ready at office of application) 20,3 % Achievement. 1354 applications for travel documents were received from RROs during 01 July – 30 September 2014 period. 276 were dispatched to RRO’s within 90 days. 958 applications dispatched to RROs outside 90 days. 120 still to be dispatched. Reason for not achieving target/ problems resulting in the variances The electronic Masterlist compiled by HQ does not match with the electronic Masterlist received from the RROs. After investigation, it was discovered that some applications for travel documents were delivered to the New Cooperation Building (ex-BVR) by the courier services (Skynet) instead of ASM Head Office (Hallmark Building), thus slowing down the processing time. Action(s) taken to resolve identified problems (Corrective Action) Actions taken in Q2 remain the only actions; their impact started to show towards the end of December 2014 and will significantly show in Q4 as the turn around time of this target is three months. Engage with Hallmark Registry, RROs and Skynet to establish what led to applications for travel documents being sent to the wrong destination and resolve the challenge once the cause is known.
40 ANNUAL TARGET BMA feasibility study approved by Minister NoQ3 Target Not Achieved 2.2.1 BMA feasibility study approved by Minister The BMA Feasibility Study consists of two parts namely, the Institutional Options Analysis and the Business Case. The feasibility study i.e the Institutional Options Analysis Study was approved by the Minister. In December 2014, Cabinet noted the work underway on the Feasibility Study and approved the vision for the BMA and the establishment path. Reason for not achieving target/ problems resulting in the variances National Treasury informed the BMA Project Management Office that Cabinet cannot approve the Institutional Options Analysis Report. This together with the Business Case must be considered and approved by National Treasury and the Department of Public Service and Administration Action(s) taken to resolve identified problems (Corrective Action) The Business Case will be finalised during the fourth quarter.
41 ANNUAL TARGET BMA Draft Bill approved by Minister NoQ3 Target Achieved 2.2.1 Best practice research of similar legislation envisaged for the BMA completed The key pieces of legislation affecting border management were identified by stakeholders and confirmed by the Institutional Options Analysis Report. Action(s) taken to resolve identified problems (Corrective Action) It should be noted that this work is on-going and will continue into the 2015/16 financial year.
42 ANNUAL TARGET 8 priority ports of entry with either improved residential or improved office accommodation or both as per set standards NoQ3 Target Achieved 2.2.2 2 priority ports of entry with either improved residential or improved office accommodation or both as per set standards The selected Ports of Entry for improvement were Ficksburg & Qacha’s Nek on the Lesotho border. In addition to the targeted ports further infrastructure improvements at Lebombo; Oshoek; Beitbridge and Maseru ports of entry were done to ensure operations were executed successfully during the 2014/2015 festive period. ANNUAL TARGET 1 surveys of borderline communities Conducted No Q3 Target Achieved 2.2.3 1 Survey conducted An analysis report on the survey conducted is available and will form the basis of the borderline community report to be submitted to Minister.
43 ANNUAL TARGET Refined immigration policy discussion paper, based on research and government engagement, approved by Minister NoQ3 Target Not Achieved 2.2.4 National conference held on immigration to expound principles and obtain views of stakeholders A second roundtable discussion with academics, practitioners and experts in the field of immigration was held on 09 December 2014, with a view to building up towards an immigration policy colloquium and the development of an immigration policy framework document Reason for not achieving target/ problems resulting in the variances Minister indicated that an immigration policy review must be premised on a holistic policy framework to be developed. This requires a shift of emphasis on the scope and process of the policy review: from policy priority areas to an overhaul immigration policy review. Action(s) taken to resolve identified problems (Corrective Action) A second roundtable discussion with experts and academics in the field of immigration was held on 09 December 2014 in line with the approved programme
44 ANNUAL TARGET 50% of permanent residence applications adjudicated within 8 months for applications collected within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is known) NoQ3 Target Not achieved 2.3.1 50% of permanent residence applications adjudicated within 8 months for applications collected within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is known) 8.4% of permanent residence applications were finalized within 8 months. The drop in performance is attributed to the time taken at the decision making stage Reason for not achieving target/ problems resulting in the variances The investigation and verification of documents with external stakeholders consumes too much time and delays the process. The transition period from manual to online adjudication affected performance as the system had to be shut down completely and new roles had to be assigned. Action(s) taken to resolve identified problems (Corrective Action) Online adjudication will eradicate delays and make resources available for adjudication. Engagements have commenced with external stakeholders to fast track the verification of documents. Cleaning of old applications and system continues to ensure efficiency in the next financial year.
45 ANNUAL TARGET 62% of business, critical skills, and general work permits adjudicated within 8 weeks for applications processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is known) NoQ3 Target Achieved 2.3.2 62% of business, critical skills, and general work permits adjudicated within 8 weeks for applications processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is known) 74% of Business, Critical Skills and General Work visas were finalised within the 8 weeks turnaround time. Although the Visa Adjudication System (VAS) had some teething problems, adjudication continued manually. This proved to have worked well as TRV adjudication is now on current applications which are within the turnaround times.
BUDGET VS ACTUAL EXPENDITURE AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 Per Programme. Per Economic Classification. Per Sub Programme
2014/15 BUDGET VS ACTUAL EXP: PER PROGRAMME Notes: In terms of the linear projection, the Department should be spending at 75% as at December 2014. The VOTE is spending at 70% which is lower than the linear projection which will pick up in the last quarter of the financial year.
2014/15 BUDGET VS ACTUAL EXP: PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Notes: The additional funding of R600m will also be allocated to Goods and Services for the payment of the self financing items. The high spending under households is due to leave gratuity paid to employees who pass away or exist the Department through resignations or transfers.
2014/15 BUDGET VS ACTUAL EXPENDITURE: PER SUB PROGRAMME Note: (1) R200m was taken from Finance and SCM to cover the self financing expenditure. (2) High spending in Legal Services is due to payments made in respect of claims submitted from the Department of Justice.
2014/15 BUDGET VS ACTUAL EXPENDITURE: PER SUB PROGRAMME Note: (3) The amount of R200m under budget was a virement done from the Branch: Finance and SCM to self financing in order to allow orders to be issued in the beginning of the year. R600m has been approved and the funds will be appropriated once the Adjustment Bill is passed.
2014/15 BUDGET VS ACTUAL EXPENDITURE: PER SUB PROGRAMME Note: Provinces are spending slightly higher than the projections.
2014/15 BUDGET VS ACTUAL EXPENDITURE: PER SUB PROGRAMME Note: (4) The high spending under Foreign Office is due to the storage costs of the officials deployed in the beginning of the financial year. In terms of the Foreign Service Code, whilst officials are deployed, their assets should be stored by the deploying Department until the official returns from deployment. Inspectorate is also spending higher than the linear projections and this is due to the deportation costs.
Thank you ! End 54
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