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Advisory Forum, 29-30 september 2005 Terms of Reference for Scientific Panels.

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1 Advisory Forum, 29-30 september 2005 Terms of Reference for Scientific Panels

2 Regulations “… seek to maintain scientific excellence at all times through the best expertise available. … the Centre may set up independent ad hoc scientific panels.” Advisory Forum, 29-30 september 2005

3 Role of SPs Give scientific opinion on questions put to the ECDC Promote the scientific agenda of the Centre Aid the Centre in keeping abreast with scientific development – links to R&D Advisory Forum, 29-30 september 2005

4 SPs Not for single-issue problems, but for wider areas, where several different types of issues may arise. 'Semi-permanent' Advisory Forum, 29-30 september 2005

5 Six SPs Air-borne diseases (including influenza) Vaccine-preventable diseases (including vaccine issues) Sexually transmitted infections and blood- borne viral diseases Food- and water-borne diseases, diseases of environmental origin and zoonoses Antimicrobial resistance and nosocomial infections Serious imported diseases and other travel- related health issues Advisory Forum, 29-30 september 2005

6 Progress since AF2 Suggestions worked into present text Telephone conference x 2 with WG Call for interest to appear in OJ next week (also in The Lancet and on ECDC web page) List of 75+ learned sociteties compiled – will also get call Advisory Forum, 29-30 september 2005

7 Further process Screening of applicants by WG on Scientific Advice, assisted by learned societies Members appointed by Director, advised by Advisory Forum The rest saved on reserve list for ad hoc panels and for Centre to choose from in urgent situations Advisory Forum, 29-30 september 2005

8 Process Up to 11 members per panel, not from AF or ECDC staff Head of SAU leads work, provides secretarial support Panel elects chair person Panels report to Head of SAU, who puts opinion on agenda of next AF. Director has final decision In urgent situations directly to Director Advisory Forum, 29-30 september 2005

9 Scientific Coordinating Committee The six Panel chairpersons form the SCC, chaired by Head of SAU SCC coordinates panel work and addresses issues concerning more than one panel Advisory Forum, 29-30 september 2005

10 In future Panels meet twice annually for two-day meetings, and on urgent issues Three-year terms At least one scientist in the Centre dedicated for each panel Advisory Forum, 29-30 september 2005

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