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Housing market in times of crisis The increasing importance of consumer’s preferences Astrid Kemperman Jos Smeets Ella Stoop.

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Presentation on theme: "Housing market in times of crisis The increasing importance of consumer’s preferences Astrid Kemperman Jos Smeets Ella Stoop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing market in times of crisis The increasing importance of consumer’s preferences Astrid Kemperman Jos Smeets Ella Stoop

2 Contents Introduction Research methods for calculating consumer’s preferences Conjoint method Consumer’s preferences via conjoint method Research used on apartment complex in theory Research on the specified apartment Concluding remarks PAGE 2 / Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning ERES 2010

3 Introduction Decrease of the number of housing sales Decrease of housing prices Uncertainty of political changes on housing market Transformation from sellers market into buyers market -> more value for money is being asked Importance of consumer preferences will be shown by using an existing apartment complex PAGE 3 / Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning ERES 2010

4 Research on consumer preference ERES 2010PAGE 4 / Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning

5 Conjoint Analysis A multivariate technique used to understand the structure of consumer preferences for alternatives Include attributes that are: Essential to describe the problem in general Relevant from managerial, planning or policy making perspective Easy to understand Use limited number of attributes (<10, however, more attributes are possible) ERES 2010PAGE 5 / Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning

6 Conjoint analysis: measurement Individuals are asked to rank, rate or choose different profiles: Rank: Measure order of preference for alternatives Rate: Measure preference response on scale Choose: Select from (binary) set of alternatives which one you like best ERES 2010PAGE 6 / Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning

7 Research on consumer preference Research among households over 55 year with a desire to move house within 5 years Only interested in apartment buildings Decompositional research Use of conjoint choice method PAGE 7 / Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning ERES 2010

8 Findings of the results Balcony size bigger than 15 m² Living room size over 50 m² High preference for traditional architecture Price of apartment around €250.000 or €350.000 Preference for smaller sized apartment complex Preference for services suited for seniors Preference for private parking Choice between most optimal apartment (93%), least optimal apartment (2%) and no choice (5%). PAGE 8 / Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning ERES 2010

9 Apartment complex PAGE 9 / Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning ERES 2010

10 Apartment complex / Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning PAGE 10ERES 2010

11 Apartment complex / Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning PAGE 11ERES 2010

12 Apartment complex / Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning PAGE 12ERES 2010

13 Apartment complex - theory 16% will choose moving to apartment E 64% will choose moving to apartment H 20% will not move at all Weakest scores on: Balcony size Living room size (E) Price of apartment (E) Preference for smaller sized apartment complex Preference for services suited for seniors PAGE 13 / Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning ERES 2010

14 Apartment complex - practice PAGE 14 / Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning ERES 2010 Research among households over 55 year who showed interest in the project Compositional research Findings: Balcony size too small (60%) Size of apartment sufficient (84%) Architecture is neutral (52%) Price of apartment is too high (65%) Unfamiliar with services suited for seniors (54%) Way of parking is equally fit as unfit as unfamiliar 18% is interested in buying an apartment

15 Concluding remarks Decompositional research is good for predicting consumer preference Compositional research is more suited for more in-depth research In times of crisis on the housing market, decompositional research is a good method for predicting consumer preferences PAGE 15 / Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning ERES 2010

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