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Acts of the Apostles (Chapters Eleven & Twelve) Peter’s Explanation (11:1-18). - Note: “Words by which…you will be saved” (14). Cf. Romans 1:16, 17. -

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1 Acts of the Apostles (Chapters Eleven & Twelve) Peter’s Explanation (11:1-18). - Note: “Words by which…you will be saved” (14). Cf. Romans 1:16, 17. - “God has granted to the Gentiles repentance to life” (18). Barnabas & Saul at Antioch (11:19-26).


3 Acts of the Apostles (Chapters Eleven & Twelve) Peter’s Explanation (11:1-18). - Note: “Words by which…you will be saved” (14). Cf. Romans 1:16, 17. - “God has granted to the Gentiles repentance to life” (18). Barnabas & Saul at Antioch (11:19-26). - “First called Christians” (26).

4 Acts of the Apostles (Chapters Eleven & Twelve) Famine & Relief to Judea (11:27-30). - Note: “Relief to the brethren” (29). There is no NT example of church benevolence to non-Christians. - “To the elders” (30) Cf. (Phil. 4:15,16). New Testament Pattern: Benevolence = Church-Church; Evangelism = Church-Evangelist

5 Acts of the Apostles (Chapters Eleven & Twelve) Herod’s Persecution (12:1-19). - Death of James (2). - Peter arrested (3-4). - Peter freed from prison (7-11).


7 Acts of the Apostles (Chapters Eleven & Twelve) Herod’s Persecution (12:1-19). - Death of James (2). - Peter arrested (3-4). - Peter freed from prison (7-11). Herod’s Death (12:20-24).

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