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Respect Of Persons Acts 10:34 God Forbade Respect Of Persons In Civil Judgments  In the Old Testament system of justice  Judges were forbidden to.

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2 Respect Of Persons Acts 10:34


4 God Forbade Respect Of Persons In Civil Judgments  In the Old Testament system of justice  Judges were forbidden to show such respect (Deut. 1:17)  Showing respect of persons would pervert justice (Deut. 16:19; Prov. 24:23; 28:21; Lev. 19:15; Job 13:10)  This principle is still seen in systems of justice today

5  God’s plan is for the whole world (Matt. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:15-16; Lk. 24:47)  A revolutionary concept  The Jews considered Samaritans and Gentiles “dogs”  God showed them (and us) differently (Gal. 3:28) God Is No Respecter Of Persons

6  The early church had to be reminded of this often  Peter learned this and boldly stated it (Acts 10:34-35)  Paul wrote about the same thing (Rom. 10:12)

7  James 2:1-4 makes this clear  This is not limited just to matters of wealth  This also applies to the famous, powerful, influential, educated, race, nationality, gender, etc.  Other times mentioned (Rom. 2:11; Eph. 6:9; Col. 3:25; 1 Peter 1:17) Respecter Of Persons Is Forbidden In The Church

8 Respect Of Persons Not Permitted Where Sin Is Involved

9  Not even an apostle was exempt  Peter sinned at Antioch (Gal. 2:11)  It was about respect of persons  Peter, of all persons, ought to have done better!

10  Old Problem of Jew vs. Gentile (Gal. 2:11- 14)  Peter would eat with Gentiles (v. 12b)  “Certain came from James” (i. e. Jews, v. 12a)  He separated himself from the Gentiles (v. 12c)  Peter’s show of hypocrisy affected many “The other Jews” (v. 13a) Barnabas (v. 13b)  Truth was going to suffer (v. 14a)  Why are you doing now what you would not do earlier? (v. 14b)

11 Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

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