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Tamara Eyster, M.A..   Bernoulli’s Theorem, p. 724  Chebyshev’s Theorem, p. 897  Chinese Remainder Theorem  Euler’s Theorem, p. 932  Pythagorean.

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Presentation on theme: "Tamara Eyster, M.A..   Bernoulli’s Theorem, p. 724  Chebyshev’s Theorem, p. 897  Chinese Remainder Theorem  Euler’s Theorem, p. 932  Pythagorean."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tamara Eyster, M.A.

2   Bernoulli’s Theorem, p. 724  Chebyshev’s Theorem, p. 897  Chinese Remainder Theorem  Euler’s Theorem, p. 932  Pythagorean Theorem, p. 542 (Angel, Abbott, & Runde, 2009) Theorems

3   Learners will collaborate with their peers to solve historical problems.  Learners will prove a theorem using historical methods.  Learners will prove a theorem using modern methods. Learning Objectives

4   Original Method of proof  Individual ideas (approximately 15 minutes)  Group proof (approximately 30 minutes)  Modern Method of proof  Individual ideas (approximately 15 minutes)  Group proof (approximately 30 minutes)  Uses for the theorem  Individual ideas (approximately 15 minutes)  Group consensus (approximately 30 minutes) Discussion Agenda

5   Technical Host  Discussion Leader  Fact Seeker  Gatekeeper (Iverson, 2005, pp. 147 – 148) Roles

6   Active participation  Performing the role assigned  Timeliness  Focus Grading

7   Host  Record  Promote  End meeting  For additional information on Adobe Connect visit: arted/index.html Using Adobe Connect  All Participants  Talk  Type  Write on whiteboard

8   Angel, A. R., Abbott, C. D., & Runde, D. C. (2009). A survey of mathematics with applications (8th ed.). Boston, Mass.: Pearson.  Horton, W. (2006). E-Learning by Design. New York, NY: Pfeiffer.  Iverson, K. M. (2005). E-learning games: interactive learning strategies for digital delivery. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall.  Learn Adobe Connect: Getting Started and tutorials. (n.d.). Retrieved October 8, 2012, from /index.html References

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