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Intermolecular Forces. Relative Magnitudes of Forces The types of bonding forces vary in their strength as measured by average bond energy. Covalent bonds.

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Presentation on theme: "Intermolecular Forces. Relative Magnitudes of Forces The types of bonding forces vary in their strength as measured by average bond energy. Covalent bonds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intermolecular Forces

2 Relative Magnitudes of Forces The types of bonding forces vary in their strength as measured by average bond energy. Covalent bonds (400 kcal/mol) Hydrogen bonding (12-16 kcal/mol ) Dipole-dipole interactions (2-0.5 kcal/mol) London forces (less than 1 kcal/mol) Strongest Weakest

3 Hydrogen Bonding Bonding between hydrogen and more electronegative neighboring atoms such as oxygen and nitrogen Hydrogen bonding between ammonia and water

4 Hydrogen Bonding in DNA TA Thymine hydrogen bonds to Adenine

5 Hydrogen Bonding in DNA CG Cytosine hydrogen bonds to Guanine

6 Dipole Related Forces Stronger than dipole-related forces: Ionic, metallic, and covalent bonding Weaker than dipole-related forces: London dispersion forces

7 London Dispersion Forces The temporary separations of charge that lead to the London force attractions are what attract one nonpolar molecule to its neighbors. Fritz London 1900-1954 London forces increase with the size of the molecules. Synonyms: “London forces”, “dispersion forces”, and “dispersion-interaction forces”

8 London Dispersion Forces

9 London Forces in Hydrocarbons

10 Boiling point as a measure of intermolecular attractive forces

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