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Atrium.Lab: Living Smart Retail City

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Presentation on theme: "Atrium.Lab: Living Smart Retail City"— Presentation transcript:

1 Atrium.Lab: Living Smart Retail City
OpenLivingLab Days 2015 26/08/2015 Atrium.Lab: Living Smart Retail City Solenne ROMAGNI Léopoldine LANDIE

2 Atrium.Brussels: Regional Retail Agency 24,000 shops 7% of employment in the region Since employees 50 local projects in 2014

3 Atrium.Brussels: Regional Retail Agency 3 Missions: Think: Listening to the city and studying commerce Open: Leading ambitious projects and making the commercial offering more dynamic Boost: Encouraging local commerce and improving districts

4 Approved! Application form Dreaming of a Smart Retail City
Enoll Summer School 2014 Open Living Labs Days 2015 Approved! 2,4 m euros Application form

5 Our fields of intervention:
Governance Commercial development plan Commercial trends en tendencies Assisting retailers and commercial networks Place making District life Our Goal: Create an holistic approach of urban retail

6 Our research activities
Collect, analyse PROSPECTIVE Identify DATA CHALLENGES Atrium Analytics Long term strategy Atrium Lab Urban impact SOLUTIONS Realise, implement DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS INNOVATION Create

7 Innovation, from process to culture

8 Innovation, from process to culture

9 For more information: Léopoldine LANDIE Innovation Manager Solenne ROMAGNI Head of Atrium.Lab

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