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Let’s Play - Every two rows will be one team. Two people (only) from each team will answer a question. No one else will talk. The team with the most.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Play - Every two rows will be one team. Two people (only) from each team will answer a question. No one else will talk. The team with the most."— Presentation transcript:



3 Let’s Play - Every two rows will be one team. Two people (only) from each team will answer a question. No one else will talk. The team with the most points at the end of class will have 10 points added to their test!


5 Japan after World War II

6 Foreign Involvement in Korea

7 Foreign Involvement in Vietnam

8 Potpourri

9 China

10 Red Scarf Girl Vocabulary Red Scarf Girl Vocabulary

11 200 300 400 500 Japan after World War II Foreign Involvement in Korea Foreign Involvement in Vietnam Potpourri China Red Scarf Girl Vocabulary 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100

12 Charged with putting Japan back together

13 General Douglas MacArthur

14 Guaranteed basic freedoms

15 Bill of Rights

16 The role of the Japanese emperor in the new government

17 Ceremonial

18 Type of government created for Japan in the years following the war

19 Constitutional Monarchy

20 Clause mentioned in the MacArthur Constitution concerning Japan

21 Prevents Japan from declaring war

22 State of political tension and military rivalry between nations

23 Cold War

24 How was the country of Korea divided at the end of World War II?

25 Soviet control in the north; United States control in the south

26 If one country in a region became communist, others would quickly follow

27 Domino Theory

28 The political division of Korea made in 1954

29 Korea is still divided between a communist north and a democratic south

30 U.S. troops committed to serve in the Vietnam War

31 Over ½ a Million

32 What were the objections the United States had to Ho Chi Minh’s leadership on Vietnam?

33 He was a Communist and a threat to U.S. interests

34 An economic structure in which a government planning group makes most of the basic economic decisions for the workers

35 Communist

36 Where Vietnam was divided to separate the north from the south

37 17 th Parallel

38 This country gave-up the fight for Vietnam in 1954

39 France

40 Chemical intended to kill vegetation, yet used on the Vietnamese during the war

41 Agent Orange

42 Someone willing to take a risk to begin a new business

43 Entrepreneur

44 The legal separation of the races

45 Apartheid

46 Factories, machines, and technology that people use to make products to sell

47 Capital Goods

48 The ability to read and write

49 Literacy

50 A distinct ethnic group that lives in the mountainous areas where Syria, Turkey, Iran, and Iraq come together

51 Kurds

52 6,000 mile walk by the Communist to avoid the Nationalist Party

53 The Long March

54 Students were encouraged to leave school and declare war on class differences

55 Cultural Revolution

56 10,000 students gather to protest against the Chinese government and communism.

57 Tiananmen Square Massacre

58 Mass steel production and a move towards collective ownership of farms.

59 The Great Leap Forward

60 CCP

61 Chinese Communist Party

62 A semiformal organization in elementary schools formed in imitation of the Red Guards.

63 Red Successors

64 China’s largest city. During the Cultural Revolution it had a population of about 10 million people.

65 Shanghai

66 The official national language of China. Chinese are encouraged to speak so that people from different areas can communicate with each other.

67 Mandarin

68 A person who loves anything foreign. Such behavior was considered disloyal.

69 Xenophile

70 Peking

71 Beijing

72 FinalJeopardy

73 Leaders

74 This leader following Mao played a major role in the Tiananmen Square Massacre

75 Deng Xiaoping

76 Daily Double!

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