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AlkanesAlkenes  All end in -ane  General formula C n H 2n+2  Identify by the C-C bone (single)  Saturated Hydrocarbons  All end in –ene  General.

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Presentation on theme: "AlkanesAlkenes  All end in -ane  General formula C n H 2n+2  Identify by the C-C bone (single)  Saturated Hydrocarbons  All end in –ene  General."— Presentation transcript:


2 AlkanesAlkenes  All end in -ane  General formula C n H 2n+2  Identify by the C-C bone (single)  Saturated Hydrocarbons  All end in –ene  General Formula C n H 2n  See C=C double bond

3 Alkynes  All end with –yne  General Formula of C n H 2n-2  Identify the triple bond

4 Cyclic Hydrocarbons  Also called Aromatic Hydrocarbons  Also called Benzene series  General formula is C n H 2n-6  Benzene C 6 H 6

5 Cyclic Hydrocarbons  Toluene C 7 H 8  Also called Methyl Benzene

6 Steps 1. Identify the longest C-C continuous chain

7 Steps 2. Look for any C=C or C=C Bonds and identify by the lowest Carbon number location



10 Step 3. Look for any Alkyl side chains: (Alkyl groups are Alkanes less 1 Hydrogen) AlkaneAlkyl





15  Have the same molecular formula  Different structural formula

16 R = an atom or group of atoms in a Hydrocarbon chain

17 R-X Naming Rule Indicate position of halogen on longest hydrocarbon chain. X = a Halogen (Group 17)

18 R-OH Naming Rule Indicate position of -OH group on carbon chain. Change “e” of alkane name to “ol.”


20 R – O – R Naming Rule Name each R group and tack-on “ether.”

21 Naming Rules Aldehydes: Change “e” of alkane name to “al” Ketones: Indicate position of carbonyl Change “e” of alkane to “one”



24 Naming Rules Change alkane “e” to “oic acid”


26 R – C – O – R’ O Naming Rules 1. Name R’ alcohol group 2. Change R alkane “e” to “oate” ***HHH______ Made from combining an Acid and an Alcohol



29 R – N – R’’ R’ Naming Rules Label position of N. Change “e” of alkane name to “amine.”


31 R – C – N – H O R’ Naming Rule Change “e” of R alkane name to “amide”

32 Adding a halogen to an unsaturated hydrocarbon (alkene / alkyne) Yields 1 product! + Br 2

33 Adding a halogen to a saturated hydrocarbon (alkane) Yields 2 products, one an acid! + Br 2 Br+ HBr

34 A reaction that always yields Ethanol and CO 2 ! Recall: anaerobic Respiration??

35 A burn reaction (always needs O 2 ) and always yields CO 2 and H 2 O

36 Making of Soap, always yields an Alcohol (Glycerol) and Soap!

37 Look for the 3 NaOH bases!!!!

38 Making Esters Acid + Alcohol yields an Ester and Water + ethanol + H 2 O CC

39 Making Esters Acid + Alcohol yields an Ester and Water

40 Note the Esters 1. fragrances, sweet smells (bananas)

41 Naming revisit 1.Start with the Alcohol Side 2.Finish with the Acid side

42 The making of polymers 1.Natural – proteins, polysaccharides 2.Artificial – plastics, nylons, rayon Addition Polymerization n


44 Condensation Polymerization Always yields Water!

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