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One World… Many Voices Many Voices. State of the World’s Children   Half the world – nearly 3 billion people – live on less than $2 a day.   One billion.

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Presentation on theme: "One World… Many Voices Many Voices. State of the World’s Children   Half the world – nearly 3 billion people – live on less than $2 a day.   One billion."— Presentation transcript:

1 One World… Many Voices Many Voices

2 State of the World’s Children   Half the world – nearly 3 billion people – live on less than $2 a day.   One billion children live in poverty.   One of 12 children die before their 5 th birthday   3.4 million people die from lack of clean drinking water each year

3 Poverty Robs Children

4 Who is Children International?   Established in 1936   Helps impoverished children   Medical care, education and dignity   Long-term impact

5 Raise Our Voices in Unity! Children International President Jim Cook with children in Zambia

6 Lift Children Beyond Poverty

7 Provide Real Help, Real Hope

8 Success is…  80% of the sponsorship program graduates have career plans.  More than half of the graduates are still in school.  95% of the graduates leave with job skills.

9 Providing Real Help, Real Hope   Expand to reach 500,000 sponsored children   Improve infrastructure to meet the needs of more children:   New community centers   Renovate existing centers   Enrich more lives

10 Children International Community Centers Centers are an oasis in a desert of poverty Crushing poverty overwhelms communities

11 Heart of the Community  Receive Tangible Support  Clothing, Shoes, School Uniforms  Practical Christmas, Easter and Birthday Gifts  Safe Haven for Children and Teens  Youth Program Support and Activities  Community meeting space  Playground

12  Health Care  Regular Check-ups, Medicine  Dental Care  Cleaning and Treatment  Malnutrition Screenings  Nutritional Support  Nutrition Education  Library  Family Aid and Support Benefits and Services

13 Enrich More Lives  Youth Health Corps  Volunteer Mothers  Sponsor Visits to the Field

14 I Need Your Help!


16 Organize Events   Recruit new sponsors   Raise funds for special projects

17 Join Me: Help Raise Children Out of Poverty!

18 How Do We Work Together?  Invite Others to Sponsor  Schedule a Friends Meeting  Encourage Sponsors to Join Friends Group

19 Share Your Sponsor Experience

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