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Lesson #6. Catalyst 1. Sit in your new assigned seat (check paper in front) 2. Write down today’s topic in your T.O.C. 3. Fill out the top of a new point.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson #6. Catalyst 1. Sit in your new assigned seat (check paper in front) 2. Write down today’s topic in your T.O.C. 3. Fill out the top of a new point."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson #6

2 Catalyst 1. Sit in your new assigned seat (check paper in front) 2. Write down today’s topic in your T.O.C. 3. Fill out the top of a new point sheet. 4. If you did not yet turn in your point sheet from last week, calculate your grade and turn it in 5. If you did turn in your point sheet, pick up the graded version in your folder in the back, and move it into the graded work section of your binder 6. Take out your dream jobs sheet Objective: Determine whether something is alive or not. Lesson #6 Characteristics of Life

3 Housekeeping Signing the wall Tardiness check Quizzes Wed & Fri Mon: Characteristics of life Tues: Cell Theory & organelles Wed: Organelles II Thurs: Cell size & graphing Fri: Pro/eukaryotic cells

4 Hmmm: Can two people with Down Syndrome understand each other better? Not really Down syndrome affects IQ, muscle control Speech difficult Emotional and social development is more advanced

5 What are we doing today? TODAY Catalyst: A: Life Characteristics group work B: Life Characteristics WS Agenda Binder check Characteristics of Life Tonight’s Homework: None (do dream jobs sheet, if you don’t have it already)

6 Binder check Folder: for homework Binder sections Point Sheet, TOC Catalysts Notes Classwork Graded Work Reference

7 How binder checks work You grade your partners I randomly check some of the binders myself “Errors” in grading  grader gets an F

8 Special project: Sewer Lice!


10 Biology is the study of life …but what is life?

11 Guided Notes Biology is the study of life. What’s life? All living things have ALL the characteristics of life.

12 Team work makes the dream work Split into teams Come up with a list of at least 10 different living things You get one point for each living thing you write down BUT… you will only get a point if no other group writes down the same living thing SO…think of weird, unusual living things!

13 Round II: What characteristics do all of these living things have in common? Try to come up with the most general characteristics 1 point for each correct answer (There are really 6 answers)

14 Characteristi c of Life Description/Ex planation What would happen if living things didn’t have this trait? (“In world where…”)

15 The Six Characteristics Metabolism Reproduction Growth Organization Responsiveness Evolution

16 GOTTA HAVE ‘EM ALL! If something is missing even ONE of the characteristics, then it is NOT alive.

17 How do I remember these characteristics? M etabolism R eproduction G rowth O rganization R esponse E volution

18 Metabolism Metabolism: process of living things gathering and using ENERGY. Metabolism turns food into energy. In a world…

19 Reproduction All living things have the capacity to reproduce. Reproduce = make more organisms like itself. “make babies” Reproduction happens at all levels.. Human reproduction = have sex, make babies Cellular reproduction = every cell inside your body ALSO makes baby cells In a world…

20 Growth All living things change as they get older. It doesn’t necessary mean getting bigger, but that is usually what happens. Examples Humans start off as babies Frogs start off as tadpoles Pine trees start off as pine cones. In a world…

21 Organization All living things are highly organized. Inside cells (More next week….) All of a human’s body parts are made up a certain way. A plant’s leaves and stem fit together in a predictable way. Analogy Bedrooms are highly organized. Has a bed, sheets, dresser. Doesn’t have a toilet. Without this organization, it wouldn’t be a bedroom!

22 Responsiveness All living things respond to their environment. Whatever is going on around a living thing, the organism can change to deal with it. Examples: Animals move towards warmer places when it’s cold outside. Plants grow their roots towards water. Mr. Sherman fusses when you don’t do your classwork. In a world

23 Evolution All living things have a genetic code which determines how they look (and a lot of other things, too!) Example: how many arms you have Over time, DNA can evolve, or change for the better. In a world…

24 Practice…

25 Where on your body are cells?












37 Worksheet time!

38 Wrap-Up Add up your points for today. Today’s work  Your folder Tonight’s HW: none. Exit Questions Complete sentences Is lightning alive? Why/why not? What does MR. GORE stand for? Explain what at least THREE of the letters stand for, and what that means.

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