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MyPlate Guidelines Goal: Learn suggested serving sizes for each food group to make a healthy well-balanced meal.

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Presentation on theme: "MyPlate Guidelines Goal: Learn suggested serving sizes for each food group to make a healthy well-balanced meal."— Presentation transcript:

1 MyPlate Guidelines Goal: Learn suggested serving sizes for each food group to make a healthy well-balanced meal


3 Fruits Fresh, Canned or Frozen One Serving = 1 cup fresh or frozen fruit size of fist 1 medium piece of fruit 1 cup 100% fruit juice ½ cup dried fruit

4 Vegetables Fresh, Frozen, or Canned One Serving = 2 cups of leafy greens 1 cup raw or steamed veggies 1 cup vegetable juice

5 Grains Make ½ of your serving Whole Grains! 1 oz. of grains = 1 slice of bread ½ cup of cooked rice, pasta, or cereal Very easy to get too much of this group at a meal

6 Protein Serving of protein = 2-3 oz. Meat, poultry, or fish ¼ cup cooked beans 1 egg or 2 egg whites 2tablespoons of peanut butter 1 oz. of nuts or seeds (Ex. 24 almonds, 48 pistachios, 14 walnut halves

7 Dairy Include 1 cup of non-fat or low fat dairy at each meal 1 cup of dairy = 1 cup of milk, soymilk or almond milk 1 cup yogurt 2 oz. of processed cheese

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