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Creative cooperation for Europe – arts education and cultural learning in our rapidly changing Europe European Forum on Music Education Leiden, NL 10.2.2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative cooperation for Europe – arts education and cultural learning in our rapidly changing Europe European Forum on Music Education Leiden, NL 10.2.2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative cooperation for Europe – arts education and cultural learning in our rapidly changing Europe European Forum on Music Education Leiden, NL 10.2.2016 Rolf Witte

2 Topics Terms Europe Cultural education in Europe Opportunities & restrictions What is needed on local, regional/national level ? What is needed on European level ? Summary

3 Terms Arts, creative, cultural education BKJ: „Kulturelle Bildung“ arts education and cultural learning Education in the arts & education through the arts Music education Formal & non formal sector

4 Europe „From crisis to crisis“ or transition, development? Since 2008: financial crisis and unemployment  EU 2020, Erasmus+, Creative Europe: focus on employability Actually: re-nationalisation, xenophobia, extremism, migration, refugees, anti-EU parties  Paris declaration of education ministers: focus on intercultural dialogue, citizenship, prevention of radicalism, critical thinking

5 Cultural education in Europe Cultural education is not a clearly defined, visible and relevant sector Huge differences in European countries No common understanding of quality Risk of becoming misused for nationalistic educational goals A lot of successful pilot-projects   rarely national implementation programs

6 Opportunities & restrictions I The socio-economic background determines the participation of young people Those who have most want the most more ! Restrictions in the classroom and in cultural institutions Decision making and delivery is on local level

7 Opportunities & restrictions II Many different actors in the field: Polylogue Cross sectorial and cross level cooperation Networks, ACEnet, ENO, private foundations We are mostly advocating the relevance of cultural education Cultural education can‘t save Europe and can‘t replace decision making in other policy areas Cultural education is not ‚good‘ per definition

8 What is needed on local, regional/national level ? Cooperation between schools and cultural partners (formal and non-formal sectors) to reach all Cooperation between all art forms  reflection and quality development, Active participation of young people: relevance Intercultural, transcultural topics  from inter“national“ exchange to experiencing and reflecting cultural diversity

9 What is needed on European level ? A new narrative for Europe: constant debate instead of a commonly held set of beliefs Linking the local, European and global level Based on existing strategies (UN, UNESCO) Connections between policy (ACEnet), research (ENO) and practice (networks) Developing an understanding of being a relevant sector  more visibility and relevance Knowledge exchange between member states

10 Summary Creative forms of cooperation are needed –on the local level for implementing local cultural learning environments –on the regional/national level for implementing long term projects and programs of cooperation –on the European level for implementing transcultural exchange programs with young people transcultural training for practitioners knowledge transfer between all stakeholders

11 You are one of these stakeholders ! Thank you for listening ! BKJ Rolf Witte Kueppelstein 34 42857 Remscheid + 49 (0) 2191 – 794 391

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