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Boulder Rock Drive Crossing Rehabilitation Project - Structure F-2  Major Roadway Crossing Culvert Replacement November 17, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Boulder Rock Drive Crossing Rehabilitation Project - Structure F-2  Major Roadway Crossing Culvert Replacement November 17, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boulder Rock Drive Crossing Rehabilitation Project - Structure F-2  Major Roadway Crossing Culvert Replacement November 17, 2015

2 History and Current Conditions  Structure has 2 (two) 66” asphalt coated corrugated metal pipes.  4 (four) Rating on our inspection rating  Signs of failure along the east side.  Signs of settling in the east side of the roadway. Current Condition of Boulder Rock Drive November 17, 2015

3 Proposed Project  Staff proposes to replace the structure with a concrete box culvert.  Proposed culvert has the same capacity  Culvert has longer useful life cycle. Similar Completed Project: London Drive November 17, 2015

4 Budget SOURCE OF FUNDS WORKSHEET FY 2015-2016 STORMWATER CAPITAL PROJECT 54225511-063000-55232 $ 500,000.00 Current Work Order $ 444,615.00 10% Contingency $ 45,911.50 Balance $ 9,473.50 SOURCE OF FUNDS WORKSHEET FY 2015-2016 Parkway Beautification Project account 21055011-06300-52003 $ 400,000.00 Total Expenses/Encumbered to date $ 5,439.09 Current Work Order $ 14,500.00 Balance $ 380,060.91 November 17, 2015

5 Schedule  Neighborhood Meeting January 25, 2016  Project start up mid February 2016  Road detour completed by late February 2016  Substantial Completion June 2016  Project Completion July 2016 November 17, 2015

6 Questions? November 17, 2015

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