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Arts Integration Summer Institute August 21-23, 2012 Russell Granet.

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Presentation on theme: "Arts Integration Summer Institute August 21-23, 2012 Russell Granet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arts Integration Summer Institute August 21-23, 2012 Russell Granet

2 M A X I N E G R E E N E Saturday, August 18 th, 11:00am

3 M A X I N E G R E E N E Why Art? We must wake students up so they don’t sit like sheep!

4 M A X I N E G R E E N E The teaching artist is an artist translating his/her inspiration and art form to people who are not artists. Their job is not to make artists, but to translate the feeling of art.

5 M A X I N E G R E E N E Students need art - without it they have no personal narrative.

6 M A X I N E G R E E N E Public Schools are our future.

7 M A X I N E G R E E N E We must communicate the value of culture without demeaning a person’s personal culture.

8 M A X I N E G R E E N E No learning can happen without dignity. Disruption leads to creativity. To be critical is to be awake. Art is not one thing. We must upset them.

9 A R T S E D U C A T I O N Skills-based Instruction Aesthetic Education Arts Integration

10 A R T S I N T E G R A T I O N An approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form. Students engage in a creative process, which connects to an art form and another subject area and meets evolving objectives in both. The Summer Arts Institute will share examples of arts integration projects over the next three days

11 Q U A L I T I E S O F Q U A L I T Y Excellence in arts education and how to achieve it. What are the four qualities?


13 National Center for Educational Stats Elementary Schools 2009/10

14 National Center for Educational Stats High Schools 2009/10

15 S I R K E N R O B I N S O N 1.What will you remember? 2.What was of value? 3.What surprised you? 4.What questions do you still have? Watch Video:

16 21 ST C E N T U R Y S K I L L S Learning and Innovation Skills Creativity Innovation Critical Thinking Problem Solving Collaboration Communication

17 21 ST C E N T U R Y S K I L L S Information, Media, and Technology Skills Technology Flexibility Adaptability Initiative Self-direction

18 21 ST C E N T U R Y S K I L L S Life and Career Skills Social Skills Cross-cultural Skills Productivity Accountability Leadership Responsibility Global Awareness

19 A D V O C A C Y Elevator Speech Guidelines Why is what we do important? Could you convince someone what you do is as important as reading and math in an elevator from the 1 st floor to the 10 th floor? Stay Tuned…

20 L O V E

21 Q U E S T I O N S ?

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