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London CJLD Mapping Report 2012 Patrick O’Dwyer On behalf of the London Criminal Justice Liaison & Diversion Advisory Board.

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Presentation on theme: "London CJLD Mapping Report 2012 Patrick O’Dwyer On behalf of the London Criminal Justice Liaison & Diversion Advisory Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 London CJLD Mapping Report 2012 Patrick O’Dwyer On behalf of the London Criminal Justice Liaison & Diversion Advisory Board

2 Introduction London CJLD Advisory Board - end 2011 Remit: MH & LD service developments across CJ pathway for young people and adults Wide membership covering statutory NHS providers, VCS providers, CJ agencies, YJLD, OHC Strategic links with MOPAC, OH Commissioners, CfMH London CJLD Advisory Board

3 Aims & Methodology Mapping intended as audit of current CJLD service provision - adult and youth services To inform national programme and regional developments Sub-group to develop on line questionnaire, using examples from previous mappings & consulted key partners Input from psychiatrist to analyse results Sub-group of the Advisory Board overseeing report writing Peer review by consultant psychiatrist London CJLD Advisory Board

4 Survey questionnaire Covered the following areas: Service profile Governance arrangements Sites covered by service Workforce Learning disability Additional information Contact details London CJLD Advisory Board

5 Key Findings First centrally collated audit of L&D provision across both youth and adult services 37 services identified across London - 10 youth & 27 adult Very high response rate: 27 adult and 9 youth Adult service available in all boroughs except 4 All Magistrates’ Courts covered by adult services except 3 London CJLD Advisory Board

6 Key Findings (2) Service availability Variation of availability of adult services at court settings YJLD services available 5 days/week at YOS/teams Governance London CJLD Advisory Board

7 Key Findings (3) Wide & complex variation in funding/commissioning Adult services - often funded from multiple sources, in some cases not funded Youth services - DH set-up grant funded London CJLD Advisory Board

8 Key Findings (4) Learning disability Transition to adult services Developments for specific groups London CJLD Advisory Board

9 Examples of Good Practice - Youth Developing physical health screen Providing local training Providing written feedback to police on outcomes Input from speech and language services Screening at point of arrest Fast track referrals to Family Therapy services London CJLD Advisory Board

10 Examples of Good Practice - Adult Broader health and wellbeing assessments for women Court linked accommodation for women and support to attend key first appointments Integrated models of delivery between NHS and VCS Proactive screening of all custody cases Improved information sharing More regular use of MHTR Dedicated learning disability screening & diversion service London CJLD Advisory Board

11 Examples of Good Practice - Adult VSC provider delivering work readiness and rehabilitation day programmes Partnership between 2 NHS Trusts to deliver Central Criminal Court L & D service Improved links with probation and local IOM with CMHNs attending IOM team meetings NHS Trust developed an assessment ‘app’ for use in police custody and court settings NHS Trust has explored linking police liaison nurses with local ‘virtual court’ London CJLD Advisory Board

12 Priority areas for development Engagement with new OH commissioning structures Minimum quality standards and service specifications Workforce plan and training standards Strategic engagement on police interface Learning disability London CJLD Advisory Board

13 Next steps Report to be published on Centre for Mental Health website, early November Disseminate to all stakeholders, including the Network London CJLD Advisory Board

14 Comments and Questions Final comments to asap! London CJLD Advisory Board

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