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Some thoughts on Chapter 3 of the book Defining Achievement Standards Why Assess? What’s the purpose? Who will use the results? Assess what? What are the.

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Presentation on theme: "Some thoughts on Chapter 3 of the book Defining Achievement Standards Why Assess? What’s the purpose? Who will use the results? Assess what? What are the."— Presentation transcript:

1 some thoughts on Chapter 3 of the book Defining Achievement Standards Why Assess? What’s the purpose? Who will use the results? Assess what? What are the learning targets? Are they clear? Appropriate? Assess how? What methods? How much? Communicate How? Report to whom? How? Communicate How? Report to whom? How?

2 Therefore,.... Know what you want your students to know, understand, be able to do, and value. Be able to clearly define and defend your educational vision. Define success for your students in terms they understand. Let your students know how they are doing with respect to the learning targets.

3 Beware,.... 5 reasons students might not learn:

4 students lacked prerequisites teacher didn’t understand and /or convey the learning targets instructional methods were inadequate students lacked motivation other forces outside school (everything else...) Beware,.... 5 reasons students might not learn:

5 Types of Achievement Targets Knowledge Knowledge Reasoning Reasoning Performance Skills Performance Skills Products Products Dispositions Dispositions and finally....

6 Types of Achievement Targets and finally.... u Facts u Concepts (ideas and understanding) u Skills (introduced or practiced) u Dispositions Consider this: Knowledge Knowledge Reasoning Reasoning Performance Skills Performance Skills Products Products Dispositions Dispositions

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